The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024


I forced myself to run today.  But, I only ran 5 miles (~8km).  The damn thing hurts like hell.  I am TRYING to force myself to walk and run normally, as I had noticed that my favoring the damn spot on the heel had made me tend to walk on the ball of my foot and that is in itself causing my achillies to tighten and that too is painful.  

I am not happy at this current state.  I wish I would have gone somewhere else to have had it frozen and it would have fallen out by now, or figured out something else.

The pain in walking and running also inadvertently causes me to grit my teeth, and so my TMJ is also acting up... which already was on edge because of the damn dental cleaning I had yesterday.



Blogger Pat M. said...

The pain in walking and running also inadvertently causes me to grit my teeth, and so my TMJ is also acting up...

Professor, if I am remembering correctly, might this TMJ be one of those happily ironic "find the silver lining" situations? I think I remember you mentioning that having a pipe clenched between your teeth is one way you can somewhat mitigate your TMJ, yes? You don't even need to fill it and light it (though that might bring other pleasant benefits); just training your mandible to stay at a pipe-separated distance from your maxilla may be both a physical and a psychological/ emotional/ spiritual benefit, yes?

Tuesday, 01 October, 2024  

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