The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Off to the Races


Off to the races...... the new semester has begun!  I am striving to have it be enjoyable, peaceful, and even keel.  

  • It is set to be a blistering hot week with every day in the 90+s F (32+ C).  
  • Our building's AC is unfortunately still down.  So, it will be hot and sweaty.  But, the more worrisome aspect are for my rodents.  Our U facilities brought us a portable AC unit for the rodent facility.  With all of its hoses and tubes, it is a challenge to navigate, but the rodents will stay cooler at least.  This has been going on for ~3 weeks so far, and it is a catastrophic failure, so it may go on for several more weeks.  
  • It was so hot this morning, I ran in "Sasquatch Mode" today at the break of 5am.  I only wore shorts, socks and shoes..... plus my hat with the light on it to navigate my way.  10 miles (~16km).
  • My friend from Mass who got me involved in the "Retiree's Cigar Group" mentioned at Mass that I was missed this last Thursday.  I had told folks I was unable to attend last Thursday, but my friend is a bit forgetful.  To be missed/noticed that I was not there.... felt nice, however.  
  • My wife and I will be having a delightful swim in the late afternoon.  I will be looking forward to it after "big voicing" for several hours.  
  • Tonight is the first rehearsal of the Fall Series in the band.  I have my reeds and mouthpiece soaking in mouthwash on the counter, so they will be clean for tonight as I had (regrettably) not picked up my bass clarinet since the conclusion of our Spring Series.  I should have cleaned them up then, but never got around to it, thinking I would play a lot during the Summer. 
  • Off to class! 


Blogger Margaret said...

AC is a witty guy! Glad that you are getting back into your routines; it takes a while to work into a level of comfort. I didn't realize that rodents didn't do well in hot weather. How nice to be missed!

Monday, 26 August, 2024  

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