The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I feel very tired.

  • The AC is still down in our building at the U, and it is also extremely humid because of heavy, heavy thunderstorms that occurred this morning.  Even hanging with the rodents does not offer much respite (the portable AC in there is struggling to keep up).  
  • When I ran this morning, it was already 76 degrees (F) (24.5 C) at 4:55am.  I ran in "Sasquatch Mode" again.  But at about the 5 mile mark, the thunder and lightning started and it began a torrential downpour that lasted the remainder of my run until I was about only two minutes from home.  Then the rain stopped.  The thunder and lightning was extensive.  My weather app had said that we were not really at much risk for the thunderstorms during the time I had been running.  Hah.  
  • Oh..... 10 miles ran total this morning (~16 km)
  • I am looking forward to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this Thursday.  Mostly because it is starting to feel like it is a sort of "vacation" away from my requirements and responsibilities.  I am not sure if that makes sense.  The cigar will be interesting.... but in many ways it is unimportant except as a sort of "admission ticket".  Do not get me wrong..... I will find the cigar enjoyable.... but it is NOT a pipe, and it does not have the ability to quell the desire I have and still have for a pipe instead.  
  • It is SO humid in the building now that the small salt and pepper shaker I bought at the dollar store.... the salt portion has caked together from absorbed atmospheric moisture.  I have never had that happen before in this building in the decades I have inhabited this space.  I could not salt my hard boiled egg that was in my lunchbox.  I could only add pepper. 
  • I have reverted to my usual feelings of the political races being obnoxious, pointless, and tiresome.  I am glad Harris/Walz are doing well.  I hope/suspect they will win easily in November.  But, I am very tired of the hoopla and hyperbole from all the politicians on both sides already and we still have roughly 10 weeks left (sigh) of the "rah rah, vote for me" stuff.  And, another 10 weeks of constant "news" after the vote about the transition to whomever wins. 
  • My classes were hot and sweaty too.  I worked very hard to still try to be exuberant through both of them.  


Blogger Margaret said...

Heat that you can't escape is draining and miserable. I live in a moderate climate but still find my heat pump refreshing when it's 80+ outside. I know, I'm a wimp! I'm glad you're continuing to go to the cigar group. Perhaps eventually you can smoke your pipe there? (if that's permitted)

Tuesday, 27 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Your elections last forever. Ours are done withing 30 days. While there is always some background noise, there are limits about full-fledged campaigning.

Wednesday, 28 August, 2024  
Blogger Pam J. said...

You are by far the most optimistic person I *know* concerning the Nov elections. I'm actually shocked to see that you think Harris will win easily. For you own mental health, maybe that's a good thing. My own opinion is that if she wins, it will be by a teeny, tiny margin. And PA will have to go blue. What a stupid system we have.

Wednesday, 28 August, 2024  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I, too, appreciate your optimism about a Harris win. I'm scared to death that she won't, or else she will and the magas will cheat and there will be turmoil. I wish I could be more like you!

Sorry about the heat and humidity. As a lifelong resident of South Carolina, I can affirm that those conditions can really take it out of you. I dread summer in the south, even with a/c.

Wednesday, 28 August, 2024  

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