The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, December 06, 2004

It is snowing here, a beautiful, fluffy, moist snow that clings to the branches of the trees. Thus far we have roughly three inches. Unfortunately, just like the snow we had just prior to Thanksgiving, this snow will likely melt by the end of the day for it is still rather during parts of the day and will the weather will likely turn to rain.

My elderly father-in-law and I decided to have an afternoon of fun and frivolity on Friday as our favorite tobacco shop received their shipment of new leaf for the holidays. We purchased a few varieties, and stopped for a fifth of whiskey on the way home and enjoyed the afternoon in his woodworking shop making ornements and other decorations, drinking pleasantly robust seven-and-sevens, chatting, and smoking the new leaf we purchased for our pipes. It was very helpful in bringing my spirit back up to snuff. I was able to muster the energy to do all sorts of prepatory work for decorating the inside of the house with my wife this weekend and actually felt quite happy. This morning I also feel quite content and it appears perhaps the "storm-cloud" of saddness and gloom may have lifted.

Here is to clear skies!



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