The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022


  • Not a whole helluva lot to say.  Just a hum-drum day... as are most of my days.
  • 11 miles (as usual....~18km). Even my running is hum-drum.  It is lately always 11.
  • PCS = (surprise)... 7.  I am stuck in a damn rut.
  • The most exciting thing that has happened in the last 24 hours is that my wife vomited twice, all over the family room floor.  She was taking preparatory medicine for a routine, scheduled colonoscopy and it definitely did not agree with her.  The vomiting wiped her out completely so we had little time together last night.  After she had the second vomit, I helped my wife change out of her clothes, and  I tucked my wife in bed (with a large, stainless steel bowl in case she got sick again), I cleaned up both vomits (they occurred within a minute of each other, and were in very different locations in the family room).  And, I washed the floor three times (I was worried the stomach acids (pH = 2) would damage the finish on the floors if I missed a spot.  I also washed her clothes, and my clothes as well.
  • Fortunately, today my wife feels fine.  And, she has rescheduled the test for next week.  So, hopefully the new/different prep medicine they give her this time will be better tolerated.  
  • I have to say, I am feeling a bit "grumpy" at the moment about missing smoking my pipes.  For most of my life, the idea of stopping something so pleasing and so wonderful to me never entered my mind.  It was a hobby, an avocation, a part of my personality, a part of my essence, a friend, a companion.  And when I was younger, and hell, even to some extent when I became an old fellow..... it helped me when I wanted to feel "traditional and upright" when I wanted to be such, but ALSO simultaneously I could have it help me feel like I was being a "rebel" or "non-conformist" when I wanted to feel so.  Smoking a pipe could help me display an air of seriousness.... but at the same time, when wanted, smoking a pipe could help me seem more silly and playful and eccentric.  Smoking a pipe.... in addition to the beautiful flavors and textures..... in addition to the gentle massaging of my mind..... also is a tool of expression that helped me be....  MORE me. 
  • I feel sometimes like a pale, washed-out beige version of my formerly very colorful self.  I realize it is stupid to think the above.  But, it is an accurate rendering of what I DO feel sometimes.


Blogger Margaret said...

As I age, I feel grayer and grayer, both in spirit and in hair color. :) So sorry about your wife's reaction to the prep. I had that also the first time. The subsequent ones have gone more smoothly. (not a pun)

Wednesday, 09 November, 2022  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

That was quite a reaction by wifey.

Thursday, 10 November, 2022  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Hope your wife is much better now.

Sunday, 13 November, 2022  

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