The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, August 09, 2024



Not really sure.

I am not really sure if the "Retiree's Cigar Group" is for me or not.  

I enjoy the folks there.

I have found the cigars I have indulged in, to be fine and reasonably enjoyable (They are not a pipe, however).  But, I do believe if I can be an accepted member, I could transition to a pipe eventually.

But, I am not sure if my quiet nature in the group is acceptable or not.  Some of the guys have said that maybe I could "talk more" next week..... two weeks in a row.  There is at least one other person who has been there who is as quiet or perhaps quieter than I am.... but he has been in the group for a decade or more from what I understand.

And, I did *try* to converse more yesterday, and I did to some degree.  But, my worry about figuring out (and finding a pause in the conversations) when and where I could "jump in" to say something, and also my trying to figure out something appropriate/useful/meaningful/or humorous within the context of what was being discussed to contribute..... had me feeling on edge.  

And, feeling "on edge" is the antithesis of why I want to go there and be a part of the group. 

Yesterday felt a bit too much like "work" and not relaxation or enjoyment.  It is frustrating.  

* * * * *

  • I reached my 50 mile weekly goal this morning (I ran 10 miles this morning (~16km)). So I can take the weekend off from running.
  • This weekend is my and my wife's Wedding Anniversary.  I have a big, robust day of a lot of activities (that I feel and hope are romantic) and I have a few gifts that I hope my beloved will find meaningful.  



Blogger Margaret said...

And Happy Anniversary wishes!

Friday, 09 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Happy Anniversary. If your weather is like ours, it should be good.

Saturday, 10 August, 2024  

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