The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Just Stuff


A meandering menagerie of stuff today:

  • Dutifully ran my 10 miles (~16km) this morning.  I am thinking I am in need of a new pair of the damn expensive running shoes again.  Mine are starting to feel worn out.
  • I was looking at my mileage counter this morning as I recorded my 10 miles, and I see that I have thus far ran 1,632 miles (~2,626 km) this year.  That means I am still on track to, if I can keep it up, and God willing, for me to reach my "Run the Year" mark in October sometime.  
  • Unfortunately (for me, at least) my wife has a three day trip she has to go on, beginning tomorrow.  It will be very boring for me without her.  I probably should try to do something valuable while she is gone.  I have been contemplating either a) cleaning the garage, b) cleaning he basement, c) painting the trim on our house, or working on the planned redcoration of our master bathroom.  None of the work sounds appealing. But, if I do work on some or all of it, I will at least have made productive use of the time, and not been a sloth.
  • While I am working here in my U Office, I am still contemplating if I will go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this early afternoon or not.  I have a mixed bag of thoughts about it..... a) it could be fun and pleasant, b) it could be stressful if I do not meet the "talking quota", c) it is admittedly rather superfluous an activity and I perhaps SHOULD just stay at the U and do more work. 
  • I realized I have not talked about my pipes or pipe tobaccos in a bit.  I still miss and desire them just as much as always.  That has not changed.  I think that perhaps because I at least have a potential plan on how in the future to have an occasional pipe (at the Retiree's Cigar Group), the task of figuring out how to "fit in" successfully so I CAN transition to a pipe has been the focus. To succeed in getting to "fit in" will give me the potential for the "occasional pipe pathway" I seek and *think* I can likely maintain without falling "off the wagon".   


Blogger Margaret said...

I always told my daughters to give an activity more than one or two tries, that we don't like something right away and that it takes a while to feel comfortable. I will tell you the same thing! Projects, ugh. It's difficult to get started on them but we feel better after we finish.

Thursday, 15 August, 2024  
Blogger Street Writer. said...

Professor, in the cigar smokers group you could ask conversationally, "are there any pipe smokers here?"

If not someone is sure to ask you if you are a pipe smoker.

You could reply that you are and say, "do you mind if l light up my pipe?"

Thursday, 15 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Sloths are fascinating creatures who have their place in this weird and wonderful world. 😊

Friday, 16 August, 2024  
Blogger GaP said...

Good idea.

Friday, 16 August, 2024  

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