The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, August 19, 2024

VW Rabbit Diesel


The image above is of the favorite vehicle I have ever owned.  It is a 1979 VW Rabbit Diesel.  It is Dessert Sand Beige in color and had a manual, metal sunroof.  I have had many vehicles over the years (only ONE brand new one, the rest were used to be more economical), but by far the most fun and enjoyable to drive was the Rabbit.  

It would rattle a bit like a teapot at idle (due to the diesel engine), but everything about the car was well built, fun, and well designed.  And, I would get an honest 50 mpg (~21 kmpl) from the vehicle, no matter where I drove (and even squeezed a little above 53 mpg (~23 kmpl) when I "babied" the car through a tankful to see how good I could get it to be). 

No real reason as to why I posted the above other than I was thinking about the vehicle while I was running this morning.  I was remembering how I would open the sunroof when I was smoking my pipe (opened just an inch in the Winter, but very effective).  

It has been another busy day of research preparedness and class preparation, so unfortunately I did not get to write about last week's comments.  I will probably do that tomorrow (Tuesday).  

As for the weekend while my wife was away.... I cleaned out the garage (a very arduous task) and donated a lot of things to Goodwill in the process, and also disposed of a lot of junk.  I also have a ZILLION (close, anyhow) cardboard boxes to cut up and put into recycling.... but it will have to wait until next week because the bin is already full of other recyclables.  

I did allow myself the luxury of having one bottle of "Bells Two-Hearted IPA" Friday evening.  It was absolutely delicious with a deep, dark, rich, malty and hoppy flavor.  

I fasted on Saturday (other than coffee, water, diet soda, and communion).  Besides cleaning more of the garage and making runs to Goodwill, I also went to Mass on Saturday and visited my MIL and took her communion and some treats and apples.   



Blogger Pat M. said...

Memories... when I was in 10th grade, my carpool driver took me to and from school in one of those, though I think it was a 1977 model. Same color and body shape, though. I remember the Rabbit Diesel as a nice enough sedan, but a bit spartan by the standard of my father's land yachts (Ford LTD around that time, if I'm remembering correctly). Glad you were able to enjoy yours!

Monday, 19 August, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I've heard of that beer although I avoid IPAs. I would definitely try one! Good job on the garage clean out; I need to do more of that also. A late friend of mine had a powder blue Rabbit for a while. We loved seeing him drive in to the school parking lot. It didn't fit his personality at all. After the Rabbit, he bought a big SUV.

Monday, 19 August, 2024  
Blogger Josh said...

You are a saint, Professor. Even if I could emulate your restraint, I don't think I would mainly because life is far too short. But I give you kudos for doing what you do.

Monday, 19 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I posted this comment over at mine, but since there is a good chance that you won't go back (I seldom do), here it is.

Pipe: I see why you thought 20 years. We visited the cottage off and on for that long. This was in 2013, however. I guess I should have said. Mind you, I think I had my first DSLR 20 years ago. The technology was young, however.

Tuesday, 20 August, 2024  

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