The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Quiet Day? Hah!

I had thought today would be a quiet day. But I was wrong. My plans were to lay low and spend time making a surprise for me wife in a mild makeover in our kitchen.

Instead, here is what I did:

1. Worked for 4 hours on preparation for my Spring course starting next week. This is approximately 2 more hours than I had anticipated working on this material.

2. Worked for 2 hours shopping for materials and supplies for the gentle kitchen makeover. This is about 1.5 hours more than I thought the shopping task would take.

3. Worked for 1/2 hour on actual prep work in the kitchen that would be unnoticeable to my wife when she came home, but that would help me in my new, revised idea of pulling off the transformation on Thursday afternoon instead since I could clearly see I was not going to have the time needed.

4. Had a two hour, grant meeting I had forgotten about in the late afternoon. This is another two hours I had not thought I would lose.

5. Carried out all the other day-to-day tasks I normally do... eating, exercising, etc.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not ANGRY about any of the above. Things like this happen. I am simply trying to put down these ideas so that when I look back at what I have "accomplished" and think to myself, "You didn't do a damn thing, and look at all the time that has past again!" I can instead reconfirm with my list that I was not being a slovely bum who did nothing, but instead I simply had a day where my time tables were not able to be realized due to other pressing needs.

It is not as if other people do not have the same sort of days themselves. I just needed to see it in writing, because I am prone to castigating and berating myself for my lack of accomplishment, when at least *part* of the problem is I am getting pulled in a myriad of other important (not as important as my goal, but important) tasks.



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