The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, January 19, 2004

When people try to communicate, even the very skilled among us can misconstrue. A sad case in point was seen in my local newspaper over the weekend. The arts/entertainment editor had a very long piece about this yahoo who was berating our local art scene. The editor wrote a mostly eloquent piece defending and showing the value of art. But at the end of her essay that [paraphrased] unlike cold, sterile science, art is about expression and creativity.


I am a person who truly loves and appreciates all sorts of art.... sculpture, paitings, theater, etc, but at the same time I am a scientist. It infuriates me how the two camps of arts and sciences seem to try to be so diametrically opposed to eachother. The "artists" fear and poo-poo science as dull and uninspired. Or worse yet they propogate more the "mad scientist" nonsense that is so prevelant in our society. Many science folk are just as bad.... they talk about art as being unsubstantial.

WHEN WILL PEOPLE FINALLY UNDERSTAND that both art and science are hugely important, creative pursuits? Why is it that for most of society these two subjects are polarizing issues? Why the hell is it so hard to find beauty, grace, charm and creative expression in BOTH art and science.

It infuriates me when people denegrate science. Likewise it is assinie when people denegrate art.


I am going to step outside now and sooth my frustrated and angry soul with a few deeply drawn lungfulls of rich, thick, creamy smoke from my beloved briar pipe..... to quell my savage soul. I have a heavy, vanilla cased burley today, so as to not overly upset the faint of heart folks that will complain because of the mild scent of my pipe upon my breath and in my beard and moustache.



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