The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Just A Few

Smaller post today.... I am frantically doing what seems like thousands of things simultaneously:

  • Ran my 10 miles (~16km).  Uneventful, other than I needed to use a strategically located "Porta-Potty" en route.  I do not like having to do this, and most days I do not.  But, I have learned to take a route running (I have two that are like this) that has such a facility if I have any question on whether it may be one of "those" days while running.  I prefer running wherever I fell like running, but having those two routes where the "Porta-Potty" is gives me peace of mind on certain days.
  • Lots of rodent work today.
  • Lots of e-mails to worried/fearful/nervous/concerned students.  Add to this that one of the lab instructors I have in association with my lecture....mistakenly sent out an e-mail to ALL my students (and not just his lab students) about things..... and this has caused a bunch of the students who have a different lab instructor to panic and write to me for clarification.
  • I DID write an e-mail of clarification to ALL my lecture students letting them know of this lab instructor's error.... but it does not quell the confusion entirely.  I still get many,many students who are worried.
  • Theoretically my wife and I are going to meet up with my sisters and their husbands for dinner tonight.  It should be enjoyable.  Perhaps I will have an IPA or two.
  • I have to say I missed not being able to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" yesterday.  I should have room in schedule to attend again next Thursday.  I missed that relaxation.  I missed the chatting (even though I am probably still too quiet).  I did not particularly miss having the cigar, although I have enjoyed the ones I have had there.  It is such a completely different beast than a pipe.  I MISS having a pipe.  And, I am glad I see a trajectory where I believe I will be able to allow myself a pipe in the "Retiree's Cigar Group" come around November, I believe.  I am ALREADY looking forward to that.
I guess that is all I can scribble down in my short time for today.



Blogger Margaret said...

Argghh! What a pain to have to clarify the situation and soothe the students over someone else's mistake. It sounds like everything is firing up. Late August was always a stress bomb for me! I didn't feel prepared for anything, even though I usually was. I'm happy you are enjoying the Retirees Group; I'm sure you'll continue to get more comfortable.

Friday, 23 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

You packed a lot into the report.

Friday, 23 August, 2024  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

Just reminded me to check my e-mails

Sunday, 25 August, 2024  

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