The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Overload 2

So.... to let you know where my mind is at..... somehow I published my prior "Overload" without saving the text I had written, nor the image.  

This is my attempt to reiterate what I had written in the first "Overload" post but apparently failed to save correctly:

I have been away from here for what seems like a long, long time.  I have been significantly overloaded.  Much of what I have been overloaded with has been very difficult and harsh.  Some what I have been overloaded with has been pleasant.  But, overall..... there has been so many things going on the last few weeks that my head has been spinning.  TOO MANY things per unit of time.  

But, I have missed being here greatly.  This is my effort to force myself to get back to regular posting.  I hope to do so from this point forward. 


PLUS ONE ADDED NOTE TO PAT (Who commented on my blank post):

Pat..... I have not turned off comments nor comment posting in any way.  All comments SHOULD post normally as far as I know.  In looking back through my comments, the last comment I have from you is on my August 22nd post (and today's (09/25/24.... mistaken, empty post)).  If there were other comments you have made between August 22nd and September 25th, unfortunately, I have NOT seen them.    


Blogger Pat M. said...

Professor, I see that my comment earlier today did go through. With that in mind, and in light of your comment about not seeing my post(s) after August 22, I'll copy below what I wrote to you a week ago, though some of it is rendered obsolete by your happy reappearance today:

Professor, as you haven’t posted a new blog entry in two weeks, I’m naturally hoping that you have simply been overburdened by stimulating and rewarding projects at the University and haven’t had time to post. Or maybe you’ve been having computer problems? I just hope that you aren’t dealing with unpleasant family drama. Or maybe you’ve gone back to your beloved pipes full-time and your Catholic guilt has left you ambivalent about how to share the (good, I’d say) news with your readers? One way or another, I hope you are well and happy.

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I'm sorry about any harsh or difficult overload, PT. I've been wondering where you were, but as a retired teacher, I know that September can be brutal.

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

The other one actually said much, and this adds a bit of detail. Carry on, Mr Pipe.

Thursday, 26 September, 2024  

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