A Myriad of Maladaptive Neurons
To be frank, there are a helluva lot of things I should be working on at the moment. I am proctoring a final exam, and have brought other exams from earlier in the week to grade, I have scores to input into my grading spreadsheet, and I have two books that I have received through inter-library loan that I need to work through before their due date next week.
Yet, my mind is muddled and unfocused at the moment. My neurons are not being as cohesive and focused as I would like. I feel no ambition to do anything. I have been sitting and day dreaming. About what you may ask? Not much of any merit. Nothing particularly deep, nor racy, nor Earth shattering or wonderful like hoping for world peace. Just a bunch of simple, easy to imagine nonsense that I can focus on for 5-10 seconds before my mind flitters onto something else. Here is a sample list:
1. Imagining smoking my pipe.
2. Imagining drinking some brandied eggnog.
3. Imagining driving around in my old (and nearly completely restored) Beetle.
4. Imagining being in San Diego.
5. Imagining being in Mexico.
6. Imagining smoking my pipe again.
7. Imagining being interviewed on a book tour (not that I have a book finished).
8. Imagining drinking a tall gin and tonic.
9. Imagining eating a big bowl of pistachio and double chocolate ice cream.
10. Imagining spring.
11. Imagining sitting out in the sunshine.
12. Imagining having another pipe.
13. Imagining a hazelnut pie (I have never heard of such a thing, but in my mind I have been thinking of a recipe for one that is a modification of a classic pecan pie recipe with some other flavors and ingredients.)
14. Imagining drinking a boilermaker.
15. Imagining a double cheese, italian sausage, green pepper, onion, and pineapple pizza.
16. Imagining eating at the wonderful Eastern Indian restaurant we ate at during our travels this summer, and recalling the incredible meal sampler plate which came with small versions of 10 different entrees.
17. Imagining floating in a swimming pool on a beautiful Summer day.
18. Imagining smoking my pipe.
19. Imagining sitting outside in a large field on a scorching hot Summer day and having cloud cover arrive and a cooling, gentle rain fall upon me.
20. Imagining eating a large, spicy Mexican dinner.
Pathetically mundane, perhaps, but that is where my mind is at today.