In contemplating my desired return to smoking my pipes, there are two considerations that I am working through that are challenging to figure out:
One issue revolves around health risks. It is a given that smoking tobacco is not a healthy pursuit. But, pursuant to that, there are different LEVELS of risk. From the many decades of study of physiology, I have understanding and knowledge that of the methods of smoking tobacco, smoking a pipe has consistently been shown to be associated statistically significantly LESS risk than other methods of smoking tobacco. However, that does not mean there is NO risk.
In contemplating the above, I believe there *IS* a LEVEL of indulgence I could engage in with pipe smoking where the level of risk in this way would be quite low. I just need to determine where that "quite low" point is for me.
Yet, there is another consideration.... and this consideration is important in its own accord, but actually it also influences "A" above:
The second issue is related to how I "respond" to smoking my pipes again. What will it be like for me? How will I feel? How will it shape my resolve?
Having refrained from my beloved pipes for roughly 3.75 years at this point, I can imagine four different ways I may respond to smoking my pipes again:
1. I can imagine the experience being as shockingly vivid, utterly beautiful, and emotionally intoxicating as it was when I first sampled my father's Sir Walter Raleigh as a young kid. It was magical and was pure bliss from the first draws on the stem of the pipe. Having been away for these 3.75 years could easily have reset my neurons to behave in this sort of fashion like they did when I was a kid and for the first few years of pipe smoking.
(If the above were to occur, which I could imagine being the case since I have been away from them so long that I may have a "novice" tobacco brain again.... I am truthfully not sure if I have enough gumption or perseverance to resist smoking excessively if this euphoric state occurs.)
2. Or, I could imagine the experience being akin to the reliable, gentle, consistent comfort and pleasure that pipe smoking provided for me for the many decades after the incredible experiences of it in my youth quieted some.
(If the above were to occur.... I think this would be the perfect scenario. I *believe* I have enough stubborn determination to wrangle myself into whatever low-level indulgence I think I would determine would satisfy the "low level" risk desired in A. Yet, if the indulgence rate (number of pipes I can have) is very low (remember, I am still trying to figure out what would be a relatively safe "low level").... might it end up being too much "work" to only indulge sporadically?)
3. Or, I could imagine the return being bland and uninspired. What if I find my cherished memories actually have become hyperbole and exaggeration? What if my return just feels like "nothing special" or "nothing valuable"?
(If the above occurs... this would be disappointing, but I think it would be rather easy to maintain life as a pipe smoker at "low risk" or even less... because I would not think I would have much desire or compulsion to indulge other than once or twice a year for "reminiscing" purposes.
4. Or (as shocking as it seems to me when I write it)... I *MIGHT* actually find my pipes and pipe tobaccos to be DISTASTEFUL and UNPLEASANT. I *might* actively dislike them.
(If this were to occur, I think I would feel quite sad. Although perhaps the most healthful route, I would never imagine ever finding pipes unpleasant.)
With the above two considerations, I think I have at least identified the work I must do and also identified the potential impacts I may experience. I think this may be helpful as I work towards trying to return to this lovely hobby in a way that a) is on my terms, b) is lower risk, c) is managable, d) is not feeling like hard work, and e) is sustainable.