The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, August 31, 2023


Another friend at the U (not my Department this time) has passed away.  It is disheartening.  I had known him for over 30 years.  He had retired a year or two ago during the height of the pandemic because he did not want to deal with the rigamarole of teaching that way.

The situation with Mitch McConnell.... and his unexplained "freezing" at events has been difficult and disheartening as well.  While I NEVER have liked any of his politics... and in fact, the vast majority of his political wranglings...  I have found very distasteful and underhanded.... but I would not wish ill health on anyone.  I very much believe he has an advanced case of Parkinson's.  I suspect he may have been diagnosed quite a while ago, but medications proved effective for him for quite a while. 

  • It was damn cold this morning at 4:30am.... far TOO cold for August.... it was only 41 degrees (only 5 C)!!!  I was not ready for that.... so I ran again on the indoor track.  10 miles (~16 km)  completed before heading to the U.
  • Last night, I was feeling... very significantly, the desire, the wish, the want... to take the pipe I had been holding between my teeth all day.... and to head out on the back porch when I was letting our dog accomplish her "business".... and actually, light the pipe and slowly, smoke the bowlful, and perhaps another bowlful or two as well.  It was a struggle for me to NOT do so, especially since I did need to go out and sit on the back porch TO allow our dog the time to accomplish her tasks. The little hints of the rich flavors of the "Three Star Blue" felt akin to a siren's call.  The cooler, evening air was at a perfect temperature for having a pipe (at that time, it was probably ~60 degrees (~16 C).  I was also feeling rather tired from my extensive "big voice" teaching yesterday (Wednesday is my biggest teaching day of the week) so a) my "resolve" was lowered by my tiredness, and b) I also know historically how beautifully rejuvenating and relaxing a pipe is when tired after a long day.  
  • Probably........ if I had been alone for the evening..... I WOULD have indulged in that beautiful bowlful.  But, with my wife being home.... not that she would have minded me having a pipe in any way... but that my acquired "pipey aura" when I came in.... it WOULD would have necessitated at least some discussion.... about "why"... when my wife understands I am trying to be consistent and only have a pipe on a well-controlled basis, very sporadically, like... when on a trip.  
  • So, admittedly a bit more than grudgingly, I gently coaxed out.... with my pocketknife... the beautiful crumbles of Three Star Blue from the bowl of the pipe.  I put this single bowlful into its own bag to avoid any potential harm to the full pouch of Three Star Blue from which I had removed it just a few days ago.  I then went to my office and replaced the pipe on my rack as well.  It was probably not wise to have carried that pipe in my mouth so much the last two days.  Much too vivid muscle memories and neuronal memories were reactivated.
While I was never a "Dead-Head", I have heard a fair amount of the Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia's work over the years and know many of their songs and appreciate them.  I do especially very much like the acoustic work of Garcia's that he occasionally produced.  But, my friend's passing had me actually thinking about the group's only radio hit.... Touch of Grey

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New Ones


I haven't done this for a few years.... since well before Covid, in fact.  I went out hunting.....

for fruit flies.

Periodically, over the years, I have started cultures of locally caught, wild fruit flies.  Even though rats and various rodents are my major organisms in my research, I do some smaller projects with fruit flies, and with a small nematode as well.... because the fruit fly and the nematode offer some advantages for research that the wonderful rodents do not.  Namely, the fruit fly and the nematode have considerably shorter generational time frames than any of the rodents, and this factor is especially valuable for some of the research work I conduct with specifically UNDERGRADUATE student researchers.  Undergraduate student researchers are not as focused as my Graduate student researchers, and they tend to have more limited time to participate in research.  So, the shorter generational time facilitates some of my work with my cadre of undergraduate researchers.   

Even though I have a variety of long-running cultures of fruit flies that are commercially available..... and many of these are interesting and valuable mutant strains that help in the neural and endocrine research I focus on,  And, I have a commercially available "Wild" strain as well (wild is a bit of a misnomer here, it is more accurately called a "normal" strain). But, I have over the years, collected my own fruit flies from various locations near and far.  Usually I look for orchards, or large, industrial trash bins, or for folks who compost.  And, I will then hide amongst those locations fruit fly media that I have a recipe for that encourages them to lay eggs.  

AND, what is very interesting and especially nice about these truly wild strains I have collected, they often exhibit interesting behavioral variations that TOO are helpful in some of the research designs I have the undergraduates work through (both as research students... but also in some of the canned, teaching laboratory experiences I guide students through in my classes as well).  Of the various wild strands I have collected over the years.... THREE of them proved especially valuable so that I have been keeping each of those going for many years now.  Others I have collected did not pan out to be particularly noteworthy.... so I did not culture them particularly long.  But, I would like to find another new "interesting" wild type to culture.  

This new culture I am starting to work with now, was collected about 7 days ago.  So far, everything looks promising.  I have larvae and am awaiting maturation so I can then work to get a robust culture to begin to examine them for any interesting "quirks" to see if they will be a variety I will keep going into the future.  We shall see how it goes.  

Also, I am thinking about going hunting for additional samples in some other new locations before it gets too cold.  I may sample another 4-5 locations to see my luck.  Maybe one (or more) will pan out to be interesting enough to keep.  

Also, in the back of my mind, I have thought about how it could be fun if I were, on my next foray into Canada, to see if may be able to sample some to develop a potential "Canadian" strain of wild fruit fly.  I think it would intrigue some of my students, if I did.  And perhaps I WOULD find the strain interesting enough to keep going as well.  I suspect I will be spending at least a couple of days in Canada sometime in the upcoming year, so I am keeping the idea of this in my thoughts.  

  • It was very, very windy this morning (not sure if the wind may be a factor due to the hurricane situation down South or not.... it may be as the wind was Southerly in origin), and I just did not feel up to running into a strong headwind for a lot of miles.  So, I ran 10 miles on the track indoors (~16 km).  
  • I am not sure if I am creating a "monster" or not.  But, I kept the pipe filled with the wonderful bowlful of "Three Star Blue" between my teeth most of the day.  Even the extremely minor hint of its flavor (when not smoking it, of course).... was utterly enticing.  Other than while teaching (in my big, booming, professorial voice), I have had that same pipe clamped between my chompers today as well.  That Chicago experience was SO beautiful.  
  • We did get to swim yesterday, and it was relaxing and luxurious feeling.  I am hoping (fingers crossed) we may get to swim late this afternoon as well.


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Hunger.... Hangry?



I do a fair amount of thinking during my running.  Hell, I think a lot.... all the damn day.  But, I think (ha, pun intended) that my thinking is better while I am running.  This is because, the running tires me out to a degree.... and I *think* this helps me to NOT be as prone to "brooding and/or ruminating" over things that bother me.  Do not get me wrong, I can and still do sometimes brood/ruminate while running, but it is far, far less often than at other times.  

After listening to Mass today, and after praying the Rosary, I started to think about "hunger".  And, I am of the belief that either:

a)  I do not have a normal/usual sensation of hunger


b) My definition of what a sensation of hunger IS..... is incorrect


I very nearly never "feel" a sense of hunger in terms of what I *think* hunger is supposed to feel like. I always imagine feeling hungry should evoke thoughts of wanting food, of desiring food, of wanting to search for food.... and I always imagine the feeling of hunger would be something I would feel both in my mind and in my stomach and it would feel like a NEED.

But, really, I do not feel that.  

I LOVE TO EAT!  I really like eating!  I eat a lot every day!  

Hell, I used to weigh damn near 300 pounds (near 136 kg/near 21.5 stone).  But, I did not eat out of what I thought would be "hunger"... I ate because I liked the flavors, I liked the tastes/textures. I ate because it was fun.   

Now, I weigh 161 pounds (~73 kg/~11.5 stone).  My BMI is absolutely dead center of normal.  And, I still do not eat out of what I thought would be "hunger".... I eat because I like the flavors, I like the tastes/textures.  I eat because it is fun.  

I have occasionally been in situations where I was not able to eat for extended periods of time.  In the more recent past, there has been a time where I did not eat any food for ~36-40 hours.  I actually did this purposefully to a) see if I would develop what I would think is a feeling of "hunger", b) I wanted to see what my blood glucose was (my wife had been switched to a new style of monitoring device and had a few inserts left for the prior one).  

In this experiment of sorts, when I ate, I had a modest/typical/normal rise in blood glucose for a little bit after eating, but it very quickly reverted to normal (I do not have diabetes).  But during my fast, as my glucose level eventually began to drop below normal..... I never felt "hungry".  It seems like I SHOULD have felt hungry.  Eventually, though, when my blood glucose dropped ENOUGH, I began to feel grumpy and grouchy.... but NOT how I believed HUNGER should feel.  There is a slang expression for feeling irritable when hungry..... it is "HANGRY".  

I GUESS the feelings I had at the end (grumpy/grouchy) probably were an indication of being "hangry"..... but.... logically.... it seems I SHOULD HAVE felt HUNGRY before I went into "hangry."

So, it seems that either I do not a) ever feel hungry, or b) my understanding of what it should feel like when hungry... is off the mark for some reason.  If I do not really experience the feelings of being hungry.... this MIGHT be a partial explanation on how I ended up damn near 300 pounds for a while. Most of my adult life since high school, I hovered around 230 pounds ( ~105 kg/ ~16.5 stone) and was that weight for lots and lots of years.  I weighed about 300 for perhaps 5 years.  For the last 15 years, I have been in the normal BMI range.  

It is just odd to think about.  Though, I still love to eat!  What is YOUR definition of hunger?  Perhaps I am just defining the feeling incorrectly?     

* * * * * 

  • Rousted myself out of bed and hit the trails at 4:45am again.  Hoofed out 10.3 miles again (~16.5km).  It felt good.  No fog this morning, and the sun itself appeared HUGE and a most vivid, beautiful, DEEP orange color as it arose part way through my run. 
  • "Big -voiced" (professorial voiced) through two more new classes this morning.  They were fun.... although my voice was tired.  
  • I have been carrying around a pipe filled with Iwan Ries "Three Star Blue" today.  It is NOT lit, even though it is VERY tempting to consider doing so.  My trusty Zippo IS in my pocket.  But, with the intensity yesterday of those very captivating thoughts and memories of that blissfully indescribable bowlful... that I did fully indulge in while in Chicago all those months ago.... I felt called to and needed to have at least a tiny bit of that sublime flavor.  So, I am drawing on the stem of the pipe filled with unburnt "Three Star Blue" and do get an extremely slight taste of the flavor of the intact leaf.  It is the best I can figure out to do at the moment.  
  • My wife and I are going to swim this afternoon (if no one vomits in the pool before we get there 😉).  I look very forward to that whole-body cooling sensation and sense of relaxation.  It is the most wonderful feeling at the end of the workday (well, other than a pipe on the drive home in my truck... but that isn't in the cards).     


Monday, August 28, 2023

Off to the Races

Overall, the weekend was pleasant.  My wife and I did NOT get to swim in the pool as unfortunately, about 1/2 hour before we arrived, a little kid vomited in the pool, which necessitated a cleaning and sanitation that closed the pool the rest of the day.  My wife and I were disappointed.  

We did decide to go out to eat Sunday evening, instead of having the meal we had planned.  We decided to save the meal we had planned and made for today instead to help make today a bit easier overall.  We went to our local restaurant that will allow you to select various food items and then will stir-fry the selection for you while you wait.  My wife had a regular, fairly traditional stir fry with some vegetables, noodles, chicken, & shrimp.... and typical "Oriental" style spices.... she especially likes Teriyaki flavors.  She also had a salad and egg drop soup.  My plate to stir fry was as heaping mound of vegetables I could wrangle staying on the plate, then topped with an very heavy array of Indian spices (curry, etc), pepper and a little bit of garlic sauce.  The best part for me is that they will also do my “stir-fry” without adding oil if I ask.  That helps me as I do not like the oily feel of most stir-fry dishes.   I also had a heaping plate of salad, and a large number of pieces fresh spring rolls and pieces of sushi.

After not using my "big, professorial voice" for a few weeks.... my voice is utterly tuckered out.  I am a bit hoarse, like usual during this first day.  Typically, I acclimate successfully to my lots of "professorial voice" talking by the end of the week.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

I worked hard to try to stay "even-keel" during the weekend, but I know I was not completely able to dissipate my anxiety about the impending start of the semester.  I think I slept well....but... at the same time, I ended up waking up ~ 1/2 an hour before the EARLIEST alarm I set.  This semester, I am trying to be more "casual" and "nonchalant" about alarms...... so I am going with the following:

1.  Phone alarms..... one at the preferred, early time to get up, a second alarm 15 minutes later, a third 15 minutes later than that, and a fourth one fifteen minutes later still.  

2.  BACKUP phone alarms..... on an old, defunct phone that still functions as an alarm..... one alarm five minutes after the first one in #1 above, five minutes after the second one in #1 above.... etc.

3.  Traditional, clock-radio alarm.... set for 15 minutes after the last alarm in #1 above.


4.  The "Alarm Light" which turns on a bright light about 15 minutes BEFORE the first phone alarm (in #1) goes off.   The "Alarm Light" is my attempt to make the room "feel" as if it is daylight hours in an effort to have my pineal gland activate in my brain the idea of it being daytime instead of pitch black out like it actually is most of the teaching year.  

So..... I awoke about about 15 minutes before my alarm light was set to go off.  I got out of bed, and was able to begin my run early..... ~4:45am.  With it being completely dark, I had to go back to wearing my running headlamp also. 

I ran 10.3 miles (~16.5 km) this morning, and was able to watch the sunrise, which was quite beautiful. It was interesting in that there were hardly any clouds in the sky, but that the dew point had created a fog that was about 5-8 feet tall at ground level.  So, as I ran, I was ensconced in fog, but sometimes my head would be above the fog and I could see the sky clearly and the sunrise, but other times when it was a bit thicker, I was fully running in the fog.  

As I ran, I prayed the rosary.... actually 10 decades of the rosary this morning.  And then afterwards, I reminisced about the sheer joy of the pipe I experienced in Chicago.  That single, lone pipe, now from so many months ago... is so extremely vivid to me.  I could still almost nearly perceive in my imagination its beautifully flavorful tastes and aromas I experienced. I could still almost nearly feel the gentle pleasure of the nicotine from that Chicago experience as it massaged my neurons.  I could still almost nearly relive the beautiful, whole-body relaxation I felt from that single, nourishing bowl in Chicago.  Sometimes... if I allow myself the option to too often relive these and many other beautiful and artistic memories of such beauty from the pipe, I begin to doubt my continued fortitude.

I have many other things to prepare for the start of two other classes I have that will meet for the first time tomorrow.  I should probably get hopping on those.   



Friday, August 25, 2023



I thought I would list out my plans and some thoughts for the day:

  • Planning to swim with my wife today and tomorrow.
  • With the semester going to begin soon, I am trying to have a quiet weekend.  
  • We are planning to go to Mass on Sunday at the site where we have found the highest percentage of folks from our defunct parish attending.  It unfortunately is a bit of a drive, but it has seemed nice.  
  • I am working to have EVERYTHING I can think of set out and ready and planned for Monday.  Traditionally, the weekend before the start of the semester has me feeling edgy and stressed.  But, I want to try to avoid that if at all possible.  I want to "let go" of the feeling of stress and anxiety, and I think if I have it so ALL I need to do Monday morning is walk into my office, grab my book/markers/pointer.... I can just ignore that Monday morning is coming and not fret, not worry.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to ignore Monday.... until Monday.
  • Planning to get a haircut today.... and then I will modestly and gently give MYSELF a small, "neatening" trim to my beard and mustache afterwards because I have the hair cut folks only do my head, not my face.

I feel rather keyed up already this morning, which is why I am going to work diligently to TRY to keep from having the rather unfortunately typical "stressed" weekend before the new semester.  I may even forgo coffee on Saturday and Sunday (I should have thought of that this morning, but, I already drank my usual 24 ounces (~700 ml) of iced coffee this morning.

While I was running today, after I listened to the Capuchin Mass and after I finished the rosary, I began thinking about the two primary cuts of pipe tobacco I like to smoke.  While there are may different forms in which you can acquire pipe tobacco, the two predominate forms I like are what are called "cube cut" and "shag cut" pipe tobaccos.  They both also happen to be the most common types available.  

"Shag cut" pipe tobaccos have the tobacco cut into thin, "longish" strands, perhaps an inch or so in length... and when you see a small pile of this pipe tobacco, it does look a bit like a shag carpet.  "Cube cut" pipe tobaccos are (as the name suggests) identified by the tobacco leaf being cut into rather "boxy" little cubes, similar in size to rice (albeit similar in length in all directions) or medium-sized couscous.  

Both types of cut of pipe tobacco leaf are greatly enjoyable, but I tend to especially find the "cube cut" pipe tobaccos to my liking.  For me, I think the cube cut pipe tobacco packs more readily into the bowl of the pipe and is not so "loose" and has a lesser chance of being "spongy" in the bowl when lighting.  But, perhaps the most pleasant part of cube-cut pipe tobaccos for me is that when you ignite the bowlful of leaf, there is more surface area of leaf to ignite and the delectable pipe smoke is typically both more dense and thick.... but also frequently just a bit sweeter and more robust in flavor compared to a similar pipe tobacco in "shag" form.  

So, even though I have enjoyed plenty of both styles of pipe tobacco, I think that cube-cuts are truly my favorite when they are available.  

The above is a beautiful image of a typical look of "cube cut" burley leaf.  So, very pleasant and tasty.


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Physically - Emotionally


I am feeling a fair amount better both physically and emotionally at the moment.  I am not where I would LIKE to be in either regard, but I am far better off than I was in my last post:

  • As anticipated, the "tickle-y" aspect of the healing throat region of my pharyngitis would initiate massive, whole-body coughing spasms... and it did so for three nights in a row.  It was exhausting.  It made actual deep sleep virtually nil.  But, two nights ago, the coughing was about 1/3 of what it was the earlier nights, and LAST NIGHT, I had no coughing spells at all.  Last night's sleep was a wonderful sleep.
  • I have been consuming EVEN MORE fluids than my already very large amount I normally consume during these last several days.  It has increased my number of urinations considerably (a small negative), but I also firmly believe it has been helpful in assisting my body to fight off the infectious agent causing the pharyngits more rapidly than it otherwise would have been able to do.  I base this idea on the notion that TWO others in my household (one roughly my age and one considerably younger) who BOTH acquired and displayed symptoms of this pathogen days BEFORE me.... BOTH are also STILL displaying the coughing fits quite abundantly..... today, even though I have not had any coughing for perhaps the last 24 hours or so now.  Neither of these family members tends to consume what I would consider adequate fluid levels.  
  • My tiredness seems to be somewhat in decline as well:
    • Monday's 10 mile run was utterly horrible to accomplish. Most every mile was uncomfortable even though I was very slow.
    • Tuesday's 10 mile run was utterly horrible to accomplish. Most every mile was uncomfortable even though I was very slow.
    • Wednesday's 10 mile run was reasonable for the first three miles or so (~5 km), but then I felt very wiped out and tired for the remaining miles. 
    • Today (Thursday's) run was actually reasonably FUN again.  I actually ran 10.3 miles (~16.5 km), and it was deeply cloudy, foggy, misty with a high dew point, and..... I finished sopping wet from head to toe.... and often could not see because my glasses where steamed up and water-spotted..... but it felt.... back to close to normal too! 
  • I even felt "up-to-snuff" again that I had thoughts and desires and cravings to smoke my pipes again!  During the pharyngitis, I was SO blue and SO awful feeling that I had no thoughts of my pipes at all... nor of anything pleasant... or of anything to look forward to.  It was just days of sloughing through, trying to just exist.  The idea of smoking a pipe last night as I drifted off to sleep felt like a joyful idea and continued to feel wonderful and joyful today as well.  Even though I did refrain.  
  • No food actually was enjoyable or pleasant during the last few days either.  The first night, I ate popcorn in the late evening which I think was an especially poor choice as well, for I think the husks of the kernels exacerbated my "tickle-y" throat and made the evening far more frustrating with coughing.  I avoided any popcorn the next few days, and although I still had the damnable coughing spasms, it was a bit less severe.  

So.... even though I still feel a bit tired, I do feel I am mending and on an upward course at the moment which has helped me feel less blue.  


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Extremely Blue and Feeling Unwell


 The last several days have had me feeling:

  • emotionally quite blue
  • physically rather ill

From the emotional standpoint.... there are the various normal sadness-es I live with..... feelings about the one I cannot write about, feeling old and spent, feeling no purpose, feeling lonely.

But, from the emotional standpoint, there have been a few additions that are seasonal or perhaps new.... the return to the more rigid schedule of Fall Semester, fast approaching deadlines that are rigid for some proposals I need to make, but the electronic submission process is not yet ready (meaning I will have to put these proposals together extremely fast and furiously when the damn site opens... and I figure out exactly what is needed), and some other things.

And, from the emotional standpoint..... another close friend/colleague... one I have known for over 40 years.... passed away.  I think this unexpected passing of my friend was especially harsh and impacted me a lot.  Even though he is retired, I was able to talk and visit with him about two weeks ago.  He seemed good at that time.  He experienced a massive stroke that lead to his death. 

* * * * 

From a physical standpoint... various people in my family including my wife have acquired and passed around some sort of upper respiratory bug (viral, most likely), and now I acquired it as well.  I refer to the specific condition as pharyngitis.  It is an upper respiratory condition that results in a extreme nasal congestion and congestion headaches, feelings of being very hot/flush... but no official fever, generalized body aches and discomfort and, a rather "mild" sore throat that is in the upper boundary of the throat.....

.... but it is the "mild" sore throat that is in many ways the most difficult.  It is difficult because this particular type of sore throat, while often lasting perhaps only a day or two.... in the post sore throat phase... for several days that region... while no longer "sore" feels "tickly" and.... it makes you VERY PRONE to having coughing spasms.  

These coughing spasms are all about that sensitive area at the back of the throat.... but they elicit DEEP, full body coughs... and they occur quite a bit while trying to sleep.  TRYING is the operative word.  

These coughing spasms are exhausting.  And they typically last for 4-5 days after the actual sore throat ends.  

This is the first bout of "pharyngitis" I have had since before the Covid Pandemic started, so I have been doing well.  But.... I am so, so exhausted that I am besides myself much of the time.  I probably have 2 more days of this damnable coughing and disrupted sleep.  

* * * * * 

I am very lucky I finished my 50+ miles last week before I caught the damn bug.  This week has been rough.....

  • Monday, I FORCED myself to run 10 miles (~16 km).  It was slow going, and not fun.
  • Today, I FORCED myself to run 10 miles (~16 km).  Again, it was slow going, and not fun.  

I ran, not because I wanted to do so.  I ran because I needed to get some miles under my belt if I had any hope of reaching my goal and maintaining my consistency of running 50+ miles a week.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I Should Be Better


  • I should be better.  It feels like I am a broken record to say it again.  But it is true.  I am rather much like a sloth, with minimal focus, minimal gumption.  I do not know why this is so, but it is. 
  • I had a dream last night that was just a snippet of a dream again.  But this one was more "odd" than usual.  In this dream some young lady (she looked like a young, 1970s version of Adrienne Barbeau) was carrying around a big bundle of newspapers and she had just had some sort of vocal, large-scale argument with some stocky, bald guy (he looked a bit like a younger Wilford Brimley).  She was walking up and down the sidewalk, carrying the bundle of newspaper and muttering about the argument.  That is all I recall of the dream.
  •  I was well ahead of my usual mileage this week, so I only ran 7.2 miles today (almost 12 km).  
  •  Feeling a heavy pipe yearning today.  A deep yearning.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Cold, Wet, Rainy


Today has been a day of rather strong, heavy rain, cooler temperatures, and general dampness.  It is only 63 degrees Fahrenheit (~17 C), and the heavy rain is cold.  Trying to work on things, but not feeling overly motivated.  I had a fair number of interruptions today (both unplanned and planned):

  • A former undergraduate research student of mine who I helped get into a rather prestigious medical school happened to be back in our region and she stopped by to talk.  It was a very nice conversation, and it was great to see her.  Yet, at the same time, we talked for nearly an hour, which ate up a fair amount of my time.  Do not get me wrong, I chose to talk with her, she was a great former student, I wanted to continue to encourage her, and I was glad to hear she was progressing well.  But, it was also a bit challenging on my plans for the day.  She gave me a hug at the end of our conversation and told me how thankful she was for my guidance, and help.  
  • Today is a Holy Day, so I needed to fit Mass into my day as well.  I went across town to a parish that had a convenient mid-day Mass.  It was a very nice and meaningful celebration of  of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Surprisingly, the Mass was longer than typical (1.5 hours) and with the drive time, it consumed a surprising amount of time.  
  • At Mass, I ended up inadvertently getting spotted by a friend I had not seen in quite some time, and we ended up talking for ~1/2 hour after Mass.  
  • And, after Mass, and after talking with my friend.... a young lady came running up to me and asked me if I was "Dr. PipeTobacco".  Of course, I said "Yes, I was." even though she knew that.... she just wanted to talk to me.  And, she proceeded to talk with me.... explaining that she was a student at the U and that she wanted to tell me that she was in a class I had substituted in for one of my ill colleagues..... if I remember correctly, it must have been back around February or March.  She wanted to tell me that she loved my lecture style and that she and a lot of the others in her class found my lecture to be exciting and motivating.  I was a bit surprised, having only been in that class ONE time, but I thanked her.  She said that she just wanted me to know that so many of the class really appreciated it.
  • I got back to the U, and tried to do some work.  What little I got done, took longer than I would have liked.  But, I did accomplish at least this one thing.... a survey to some novice instructors I oversee.  
  • My wife called me, sad, with news about my SIL.  She is having another amputation of another toe.  Not only am I very worried about my SIL, I am very worried about my wife, because she is heading down a similar path of symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes.... just a few years behind my SIL.

I have to admit I was rather tuckered out yesterday from my very long (at least for me) run.  Unfortunately, my wife had her second sleep study scheduled for last night, so she had to go to that in the mid-evening.  So, I was home alone again.   

I REALLY had wanted to have a beer (or two or more), but in the end I decided against it. My "logic" if that is what it can be called was.... with my big run yesterday, I was suspecting I probably built up a fair amount of lactic acid in my muscles because it was a longer distance than I had ever tried.  Lactic acid is a waste product that cells can produce when using energy.  Ethanol (the beloved molecule that helps to make beer enjoyable beyond just its flavor) is a waste product that prokaryotic organisms (like yeast) produce when when they are using energy.  So.... my concern last night was that I was thinking there might be a possibility I would have made my muscle soreness more intense if I had drank a beer or two or three.  

So, I closed out my evening last night by watching an episode of "Cannon" that I had previously recorded on the DVR from MeTV.  It was a wonderful episode from 1972.  A guest actor in this episode was Mike Farrell (who is mostly known for the character he later developed on M*A*S*H... B. J. Hunnicutt).  In this episode, Cannon was "noodling" a bit on a bar piano in two different scenes, and it looked like Cannon (William Conrad) actually may have actually been playing the instrument.  And, there was one scene where Cannon was smoking a full bent briar pipe.  Sadly, the pipe smoking scene was too brief for me to identify the actual brand of pipe he was smoking.

  • But.... I think I may have actually overthought the lactic acid/ethanol idea.  I was surprised that this morning.... I only had some MINOR soreness... not really significantly different than other longer runs of much shorter distances.  I think I probably should have risked it and enjoyed a beer or two.  
  • I awoke this morning feeling tired, but pretty good overall.  Because of the damnably heavy rain, I let myself sleep in until around 6:15am before I forced myself onto my feet.  I knew I was going to run on the indoor track this morning instead of outside.  
  • When I got to the track, I forced myself to hoof out 10.1 miles (~ 16km).  The first two miles, even though I wasn't SORE, per-say.... I WAS feeling stiff as hell.  Feeling so stiff made for some slow going on those first two miles.  But by the time I started mile three, I felt pretty normal.  I do admit to just having a more casual run speed this morning, however.   

Monday, August 14, 2023



In the greater world view, what I am about to write about, and in fact nothing that write about amounts to much of anything of significance or importance.  I know that.  It is just the way it is.  However, today, I am going to share with you something, that has no significance at all, except to me:

  • I awoke at a bit after 5:00am this morning, and was getting ready to try to do my usual run.
  • In my mind, I just wanted to get it over with, so I could get on with my day.... hence I ACTUALLY got out of bed at the time I had wanted to.  
  • I put on my typical running attire.... shorts, long-sleeve shirt that is polyester to reduce rubbing and chafing of my nipples (You would be surprised how damn annoying and uncomfortable they can feel after a long run if wearing a regular cotton t-shirt.  My chest hair  and other torso hair keeps the shirt from rubbing much of the rest of my torso, but the polyester shirt helps too.)  then I put on a regular, short-sleeve cotton t-shirt on over the top of that to help manage sweat, my socks, shoes and the baseball hat I wear while running.  The hat has become quite sun-faded on the outside.  The inside remains the original very dark blue, but the outside is now a dusty looking very light gray.  
  • I got out the door and was ready to begin by ~5:30am.  It was still dark, but I could tell that it was also heavily and densely cloud-covered.   That made me happy. 
  • I began running.
  • I started by listening to yesterdays Capuchin Monastery Mass.  It was helpful.  
  • I started to run through goals for the day at the U, and realized that today was one of the VERY FEW (if any other) days I had that were COMPLETELY UNSCHEDULED from now to the start of Fall Semester.   
  • So, I started to think.... I HAD set a goal for myself last December 31st.  This goal had been more of a "hope".  I had given up on this goal as an unattainable pipe dream a few months ago and had not thought of it much since that time.  

With the various emotional challenges that befell this Summer (most of which are related to that which I no longer talk about here), the ideas of goals, aspirations, hopes.... etc.... sort of have flown out the window.  I have felt a lot of the Summer has been mostly survival mode.  But, with the timing of today, with the relative unstructuredness of today, with the cloud cover and pleasant temperatures.  I thought if there was ANY chance, it was today... and I thought I should at least TRY:

  • So...... even though it was not in my thoughts until after I started this morning..... I forced myself.... and I DID IT...... I ran a FULL MARATHON RUN for the first time ever!!!!!!   That is a FULL 26.2 miles (42.16 km)!!!!  I RAN A SINGLE 26.2 mile (42.16km) RUN!
  • Again, I know that thousands of folks do this regularly.  So, it is nothing significant in the greater scheme of things.  
  • But as a grey haired, old codger.... one who used to weight damn near 300 pounds (close to 136 kg) and was never particularly physically active..... for me personally... it IS a pretty big deal.    
  • It was NOT easy.  I did want to stop.... especially when I ended up reaching ~19 miles (~30 km).  This mileage was pretty close to the proverbial "wall" that I have read is a common occurrence for people running a marathon. 
  • Even though I truly wanted to stop... I kept telling myself that today is/was likely the ONLY real chance I had left where I COULD do this in 2023 with life getting more complex again very soon.  I also reminded myself of how I had a bit of an "advantage" to do this today, as I had not ran at all on Saturday nor Sunday (I had met my weekly mileage goal on Friday last week.)  So, I kept reminding myself that this was the best shot I had for trying to actually do this.  

So.... again.... I seriously DO know this nothing significant.  But, for today, anyway.... I am going to allow myself to feel a sense of happiness at having done this.  As I hobble around the rest of the day (I am damn sore, and quite exhausted!  I admit that. I am consuming an even larger amount of fluids today to assure my muscles will have as ample an opportunity to shed/release lactic acid as possible.)  I will at least be able to feel good about having done this.  

I may even drink a beer tonight in a form of celebration!


Friday, August 11, 2023

This & This & This... Uh


Some thoughts related to recent comments:

Margaret and AnvilCloud both responded to my discussion of "Oppenheimer," the movie....

  • I agree with Margaret about the great acting... and that it is hard to NOT "see" Matt Damon as "Matt Damon".... even though I still thought he did an excellent job.
  • I also actually agree with AnvilCloud.... I did NOT really WANT to see this movie.  It sounded long, at three hours and it was a subject I was already fairly knowledgeable about.  I went primairly because several in my family DID want to see it.... and I was both impressed with the film, and I did enjoy the film quite a bit.  
  • It is interesting, this seeing of a movie I had not really desired seeing also occurred when I went with the family to see both "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" and its sequel "Spider-Man" Across the Spider-Verse".  I GENERALLY do NOT like comic book movies of any sort.... but, I can say I am a "bit" of a convert to this particular Spider-Man franchise pair of flims.  They were both (in my opinion) more poignant and philosophical.... and INTERESTING than any other comic book movie I have been dragged into seeing.  The only other "comic book" movie I have actually enjoyed was the delightfully satirical "Lego Batman" movie.  

Margaret, Anvilcloud, and Liz all commented relative to my "Trump" discussion.....

  • The only point I wanted to be sure to clarify is that I ONLY hope for Trump to be the nominee or a 3rd Party candidate..... because.... I hope for a continuation of a Democratic President following the next election.  

In my eyeglasses discussion, Pat, Anvilcloud, and Margaret commented..... 

  • Pat has suggested I SHOULD arrange an occasional trip to the beloved tobacco shop that is ~45 minutes from here.  I am very seriously contemplating doing so.  It would be a wonderful and delightful experience in all regards.  Except..... I am truthfully rather nervous that it could/will easily devolve into a pattern I will very much want to repeat at intervals considerably shorter than several months.  It is very traditional in all regards and is truthfully the only remaining REAL pipe tobacco shop within a 2-3 hour drive of here.  The truly local one that used to be in my close proximity closed perhaps 7 years or so ago, and was reopened as a shop that caters to folks who vape, and folks who indulge in cannabis.  
  • Pat also asked about my having had tried "half-rimmed" oval glasses.  Indeed I have.... since my prescription has not changed for a number of years, I do have a pair that is "half-rimmed".  However, I wear them only sporadically, as they "feel" very fragile to me.... with a simple fishing line holding the underside of the lens in place.  I can be rather rough on my glasses when I get into various activities, so I only wear the "half rimmed" spectacles on special (read as rather formal, quiet dinners and other similar functions) occasions.  The new ovals I have ordered are metal all-around and are (fingers crossed) going to be robust and hearty so I can wear them quite often.  
  • AnvilCloud commented that it seemed I did not like being alone at all.  In some ways this is true.  During the workday (in which I think about as a combination of my dawn runs and my U work).... I very much enjoy the periods of time where I have solitude and can be alone to think and reason through things.  But, by the end of the workday, I WANT to be with my loving wife.  Whether that is swimming together, preparing dinner, eating, or simply watching television....I very much want and crave her to be at my side.  Having an evening alone at home.... feels.... limited....  feels.... boring.... feels.... wasteful even.... and usually ends up with me either retiring to sleep early.... or doing U work on the computer.... neither of which is "exciting".    I guess I could try to do something "fun"..... play more on my instruments, or do more instrument repair work, or something of that sort.  In the past, I have often watched reruns of my favorite classics "Cannon" or "Manix" or "Mod Squad".... and that is enjoyable.... but that somehow feels "wasteful".  Sometimes I would have a drink or two.... and that too is enjoyable.... but without a pipe, seems uneventful.... or worse.... a drink or two could potentially wear away my fragile resolve just enough that I would pick up a pipe wantonly at home.  
  • Margaret mentioned rimless glasses.  I admit they do look INTERESTING and I have never had them before.... but I worry they would be just too damn fragile for my rather "heavy-handed" use and demeanor with my glasses.  I suspect they would look more akin to a pretzel in a manner of a few days.  

And, finally for today's effort, I refer back to the discussion I had about my cataracts and AnvilCloud, Margaret, and PeppyLady commented...

  • Yes, as we age the risk of cataracts dramatically increases.  And, even though I KNOW and even extensively LECTURE about cataracts and cataract surgeries in two of my courses.... and focus (pun.... hah!) on how simple and successful the cataract surgeries are..... I am awfully damn glad my cataracts are staying stable and are still (thank God) below any sort of level to impinge visual light gathering or acuity.   And, I have to also admit that even the IDEA of actually HAVING cataract surgery IS rather terrifying to me.  If I have to have this occur in the future.... I know that I will be beside myself with fear that I could be one of the extremely, EXTREMELY rare cases where a problem occurs.... and I already have imagined in a nightmare one time the horrible and virtually IMPOSSIBLE possibility of my eye literally "collapsing" during surgery and having to be removed.  I remember in the dream having to wear an eyepatch afterwards and I remember waking up in terror.  Stupid, I know..... but it was a horrible dream.  

What else?

  • Hoofed out 6.3 miles (just a smidge over 10 km) this morning to complete my 50+ miles (~81 km) for the week.  It was a short enough run that I did not get far into the trail where I normally see the various creatures... well, other than a few bunnies.  
  • As I was running, I was thinking that I should try harder to be more consistent in how I organize my workday this Fall.  Typically, other than my mandatory office hours and the scheduled teaching hours, I would have the rest of the day be a sort of "ebb-and-flow" experience of simply doing whatever seemed most "urgent".  I am thinking that I should map out a particular time each week for several repetitive tasks that will make them more formalized.  Things like.... a particular day and time when I update our damnable electronic classrooms (aka "Learning Management Systems" with new stuff each week..... a continuation of the adopted habit from this Summer of checking e-mail at ONE prescribed time each day and then ignoring it (I have done this, perhaps 75% of the time the last two months.... and when I do it... it has been wonderful.).... a particular day and time each week to always GRADE papers and exams.... a particular day and time each week to write non-email correspondence (more formal letters, letters of recommendation, etc)... a particular time each week to "explore" the literature for grant writing purposes and research ideas.... etc.  I believe that if I could develop more consistency, it would improve my life and would improve my ability to get things needed..... DONE more.....readily.  And.... ultimately, I keep imagining that it may also give me ultimately more free time as well.... but, perhaps that last part is only a pipe dream.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Movie & More

We went to see "Oppenheimer" yesterday.  It was an excellent film.  The acting was exceptional, and the character portrayals were very strong.  Having a modicum of a background in physics (from several courses in my undergraduate years) and having read fairly extensively about the development of the atomic bomb and nuclear energy generally.... there were not really any new insights from the film for me.... but it was very interesting viewing for a three hour film.  A few portrayals were especially noteworthy to me:

Cillian Murphy - a heretofore unknown actor to me.... was extremely strong and believable as Oppenheimer.  

Robert Downey Jr. - I was rather shocked to see he was in the film (in the credits) as I did not recognize him at all.  He was exceptionally strong in his portrayal of Naval Officer, Lewis Strauss.  His portrayal was so strong, I purposefully wanted to know the name of the actor who portrayed Strauss when watching the credits.  I was flummoxed to see it was Downey.  

Matt Damon - even though I easily recognized him, his portrayal of General Leslie Groves..... had tremendous depth and strength.  

Kenneth Branagh - even though he looked nothing like him..... Branagu did a very nice job of portraying Neils Bohr, the chemist.  I talk about Neils Bohr in my physiology course and have several photos of him in my lecture

Emily Blunt - also surprised me (my not recognizing her) in her portrayal of Oppenheimer's wife, Kitty.  

One exceptionally fun aspect of the film was that there where MANY, MANY pipe smokers in the film!  It reminded  me of how it was in the good-old-days!  The actors did not always have a particularly convincing portrayal of their pipe smoking (an expert notices these things 😉  )..... but it was still pleasant to see.

+ + + 

  • Yesterday, I ran 10.5 miles (~17 km) in amazingly thick, dense fog. I could not see more than perhaps 25 feet ( ~7-8 m) in front of me because it was so thick.  Because of the heaviness of the fog, I traversed fully on the trail during this run and had only three instances where I had to briefly cross across a street intersection.    The fog was so thick, that I startled a few animals along the way..... two deer that I ended up being ~20 feet from and a beautiful Blue Heron that did not fly off until I was roughly ~20 feet from it.  The numerous bunnies, the beaver and the lone turkey I also ran past did not pay me any mind at all, which also was a bit unusual.  Perhaps the fog was affecting their acuity?  
  • This morning, the air quality index was again poor due to the Canadian Wildfires, so I hoofed inside at the track.  I had gotten well ahead of my weekly miles from the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday runs, that today I only ran 7 miles (~11 km) and tomorrow I only have to run 6 miles (10 km) to reach my weekly goal.  
  • I splurged on a refill cup of coffee this morning ($1) at the U Starbucks and asked for a shot of sugar free vanilla to be added to alter the flavor a bit.  I then poured it over a giant cup of crushed ice as is my typical pattern (I dislike hot beverages).   The U Starbucks willingly also gives me a full glass of ice (gratis) if I bring in my own container (I use an extra large fountain drink container).  I had not had a refill coffee in a few months.... and it was even longer since I had a flavor shot added to it.   The vanilla flavor was beautiful, and it reminded me so very much of a particular vanilla tinctured burley leaf I love.  
  • There are MANY different types of vanilla tinctured pipe tobaccos.  Each has their own nuances when compared to each other.  But the one that is a strong favorite of mine and was the one that I was reminded of by the Starbucks coffee was the vanilla burley blend from the beautiful pipe shop ~45 minutes from here.  I have a pouch of that here in my office desk drawer, so I have filled the bowl of a pretty clean pipe here in my office with that gently fragrant leaf... in much the same way I did with the Three Star Blue last Saturday.  It is a comforting bit of flavor as I work.  I do have thoughts of igniting the bowlful, but I believe I will resist and then replace the beautiful leaf back into the pouch when I leave for the day.  
  • More work with Research Board documents today.  They are tiring and meticulous beasts to write.  
  • I should so some reading for the "Think Tank" group I am going to be a part of this Fall regarding AI (and ChatGPT).  I need to get more fully up-to-snuff on the full range of these things so that I can be helpful in the group.  I am just not sure if today is the day.  
  • I am also writing a grant related to the endocrine properties of the bisphenols at the moment.  I should write more here about this critical but under-examined situation.  But, not today.  
  • I am looking forward to swimming at the end of the day with my wife.
  • I am also looking forward to eating out tonight with my wife.  There is a stir-fry place where we are going that will allow us to choose our own vegetables, meats, and spices before stir frying them.  My wife likes the more "traditional" spices of Chinese-typical cuisine.  But for me, I am delighted that they have a variety of Indian spices available as well, and I make a HUGE plate of vegetables only.... usually...  onions, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli, bell peppers, water chestnuts,  cabbage, and basically any other odds-and-ends vegetation they may have that I can pile onto my plate without the mountain of vegetables toppling, and I saturate it heavily with all sorts of Indian spices.... and the best part of all..... the stir-fry chefs who take my MASSIVE plate of spiced vegetation.... will willingly NOT add any oil to my food if I make known that request Prior to them starting to cook my food.  This place also has a bar where they allow folks to select various "sushi" type items.  My favorite that I hope to have tonight.... they usually have them... are the fresh (not fried) Spring Rolls.     

Tuesday, August 08, 2023



Random thoughts swirl about in my neurons today:  

  • That which I cannot speak about here reared its ugly head again yesterday.  I think I am growing numb to it.
  • As a lifelong Democrat who votes and who agrees with ~95% of standard Democratic agenda items... I am actually hopeful that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee.  I believe that if he is the nominee, it will be close to a guarantee Trump will lose the election to the Democratic nominee (presumably Biden).   If Donald Trump is excluded from being the Republican nominee, I hope that he puts forth a third party campaign..... which I firmly believe will still result in the election of the Democratic nominee.
  • I am hoping to see the film, Oppenheimer, on Wednesday with my wife and others in the family.
  • I received a new copy (new edition) of an endocrine physiology textbook that I am going to peruse to see if perhaps I will adopt it for my January course.  It is a different author and publisher from whom I have used in the past for this course.... so.... if it is significantly better and more robust.... I may give it a go.... if not, I may stick with my tried and tested favorite.   
  • Because of the fracas yesterday..... my wife and I did NOT go swimming together.  She was too emotionally spent, and wanted to nap.  I was too emotionally charged and NEEDED to swim in order to settle down, so while she was napping, I (with her in agreement) went to swim alone.  It is definitely NOT as fun without her there.... but it was still valuable and helpful to me.  We both are planning to go swimming TOGETHER today, later this afternoon.
  • I ran OUTSIDE this morning.  The air quality was very good, and I hoofed out 13.4 miles (~21.5 km).  It felt very nice outside.  There was a light cloud cover, so that was good, and I saw the sunrise as well.  Very beautiful.
  • While running this morning, I was thinking, for some reason, about popsicles.  The next time I am at the grocery store, I may pick up a box.  My flavor preference in order from favorite to "lesser" flavors (none are bad) would be....  lime, orange, pineapple, lemon, grape, cherry, and other.
  • While listening to the Capuchin Mass during my run, I was again especially moved by one particular song during Mass..... In Every Age...(by Janet Sullivan Whitaker). such a beautiful song, and the husband and wife team who played this song at Mass always do a wonderful job. At Mass, the wife performed the solo (the part played by the violinist on the video link) on flute.  The husband played the harmony on guitar and sang.  
  • Even though I have "kind of" recognized this for a while..... another thought I was ruminating about during my run this morning is that it seems that I shall ALWAYS crave smoking my pipes.  Even after these many years... it may ebb and flow a little bit...  but the interest and desire always appears to remain.  It was not an Earth-shattering observation.... but I felt the realization of it more deeply today... somehow more than before.  Not really sure what to do with this information.  
  • I have Research Board documents I need to write and submit as the major agenda on my plate this afternoon.  If I can get them all accomplished and submitted it will feel pretty damn good..... then the exhausting wait begins.  
  • I have been looking at saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces on eBay.  I sometimes like to try older, models... especially cheap ones.... that can be polished and brought back to life.  

Monday, August 07, 2023

More on the Eye


Overall, it was a relaxing weekend of no drama!  That which I do not mention, while still problematic, was not causing any direct problems.  

  • On Saturday, my wife and I tried to go swimming, but when we arrived, we found the site was closed because of a lack of a lifeguard (called in sick).  That was discouraging, but minor... so we did other things.
  • My wife also had a wedding to attend Saturday.  Unfortunately, it was work related, and the young couple was very budget conscious and I was not invited.  Actually, my wife and all of my wife's work colleagues only received individual invitations.  It seemed odd to me, but I guess it is a new "thing" for the budget conscious.   It would have been enjoyable to have a drink or two and to dance (in my clod-hopping, Clydesdale Horse sort-of fashion) with my wife.  
  • Instead, I went to a 5:00pm Mass at one of the parishes we are considering making our new home. 
  • At home that evening, all by myself, I sat on the couch with the dog and read and listened to some classical music.  I was feeling a bit lonely.  And, I was also very much feeling a STRONG desire to smoke a pipe.  I was ruminating on having a pipe so much, that I was not having much luck on concentrating on anything else.  I ended up taking a bit of a risky choice, and took out one of my pipes that was especially clean, and I filled the bowl with Three Star Blue pipe tobacco.  I then clenched the stem between my teeth and drew in air through the bowl so I could at least experience a bit of the pouch scent and flavor of that beautiful leaf.  It helped somewhat... although I do admit I took out my Zippo lighter a few times and spun the flint wheel, having the lighter produce a beautiful, yellow flame.  I also a few times did close my eyes and pretend I was lighting the bowl with the Zippo. But... in the end, I did NOT actually smoke my pipe.  And, because I had enough forethought to fill a pipe that had an especially clean bowl, at the end of the evening, I was able to knock the beautiful crumbles of Three Star Blue out of the bowl into my palm, and put them back into the pouch so they would not be discarded and wasted.  
  • On Sunday, my wife and I got up early and had breakfast.  We then did some house cleaning, and some food prep for the week.  
  • It rained quite heavily all Sunday, so we were anticipating the last outdoor concert of the group we had been seeing & hearing each of the last Sundays would be cancelled.  Fortunately, however, we learned that they had an alternate, indoor venue to play at in case of rain!  So, we were able to listen to the beautiful music again, one final time for the season!


  • I admit.... I SHOULD HAVE RAN OUTDOORS.... but it was raining, which I usually do not mind, but it was also rather windy (~12mph winds, ~19 kph winds).... I do not like running into the wind, and with rain and with cooler temperatures (59 degrees F, ~15 degrees C).... I just didn't feel up to navigating that sort of onslaught at 5:55am.  I instead ran at the indoor track.  13.2 miles (~21km).  
  • My wife had her eye appointment early this morning, so when she was close to being done, I had finished my run and was getting dressed for the day.  I drove down to the clinician's office and joined her to help in choosing glasses.  When I had my appointment last week, I had the eyeglass fitter write down the model numbers of five different pair I was considering.  That way, my wife could help me choose my pair as well today as I would help her in choosing her pair.  My wife ultimately chose a pleasing, plastic framed pair that was quite stylish, and the frames were a pale lavender in color.  My wife has the type of skin tone where she looks really wonderful in a wide array of colors, but purples are especially pleasing color for her in terms of the colors of frames available.  For me, although I had five different frames of a variety of styles, I was almost certain I wanted to get one particular pair.  When I was there last week, I was delighted that OVAL shaped lenses on glasses appear to be "coming back" into availability.... after having been supplanted by a lot of more ANGULAR and SQUARISH shapes of frames the last few years.  Well..... actually, I am not sure if "coming back" is the right term.... of the hundreds of frames at the office... they had TWO frames that were METAL frames AND also had genuine OVAL shaped lenses.  I tried both on, and my wife agreed with me that the brown, wire-rimmed OVALS were what I should get.    
  • Working on getting research ideas for the Fall up-to-snuff, and down on paper so I can get some outlines of plans out to my various research students.  
  •  My wife and I are planning to swim again today.... and hopefully the place will be staffed with lifeguards so we CAN swim!  


Thursday, August 03, 2023



Relatively shorter post today, as my eyes are still very chemically dilated and computer work is not as accomplish-able for a few hours until the drops wear off.  Overall, the appointment went fine:

  • Eye pressures, optic nerve appearance, retinal blood flow, rentinal health, and macula health all remained strong to which the clinician congratulated me.  
  • My distance vision was virtually unchanged.  I am extensively myopic, but fortunately for me, the strength of the concavity of the lenses I require for correction has remained virtually identical for the last 15 years or so.  
  • I spoke with the clinician about my reading glasses prescription, and she noted that in the last go-around we had aimed for a distance that was considerably closer than my typical distance for reading papers, books, etc and for computer work.  She had me test again using a greater distance from my face.... a distance that felt comfortable holding a book and in grading a paper, and was also within the scope of distance for typical computer use.  With this adjustment, my reading prescription HAS changed.... not because my eyes have.... but because the distance used for attaining fine focus.... has.  These will be reflected in my future glasses, happily!
  • Back in 2019 the clinician first MENTIONED to me that she saw signs of cataract development in the clarity/opacity of the lenses of my eyes.  At that time, she said there was absolutely no cause for concern as the transparency and trans-luminosity were still within wholly normal ranges. Today, she reported that the readings had NOT changed from that previous reading so... on that score, I am doing well also.  She said there is absolutely no need for any form of treatment nor surgery at this time.    

So, I am going to now head off and do manual tasks (not computer tasks) by working in the labs and sorting and cleaning.  It seems a more comfortable way to use my eyes to get some work done in their dilated condition.  

  • I only was able to hoof out 5.1 miles (~8 km) this morning because I had to clean up and get to the eye appointment (truth be told, I was also a damn lazy sloth, and did not roust myself out of bed until 6:15.  
  • To amend my sloth-like ways, I now have plans to finish hoofing out the other 5-7 miles on the U track this afternoon.  I damn well expect the dilation to have worn off by then... fingers crossed... so I can see more clearly while I run.  I brought my running clothes and shoes in a duffle bag.  
  • As is my norm (to the humorous eye-rolling of my family), I wore my typical "ensemble" to the clinicians office..... khakis, button-down, long sleeve shirt, tie, sport coat, hat..... the usual.... even though it is Summer and I am not teaching... and usually wear more casual attire.  I do wear the full sport-coat ensemble to every doctor's appointment regardless of time of year or what I am doing a) to show that I care about the visit to my clinician and his/her work, b) during the regular part of the academic year, it is what I am usually wearing anyway to teach, but honestly, also c) I do this because I have seen some clinicians (especially M.D.s) who are rather somewhat dismissive of folks, especially more "aged" folks who wear more casual attire.  I do not want to get treated like I am a tottering old imbecile (like I have seen some clinicians DO to some of my extended family) who does not deserve detailed explanation of their health status and does not deserve appropriate treatment options.  
  • Well, so.... I had on my "teaching" ensemble when I stopped this morning at the place I sometimes pick up a coffee or other beverage on my way in.  I had not worn this sport coat in a while, and I was rummaging around in the pockets to see if there was any change, and I found one of my pipes in the pocket where I must have left it on one of the days in the last couple of months when I wanted to carry around a pipe like a pacifier.  
  • I pulled the pipe out of my pocket along with some of the loose change I was actually trying to extract.  The counter lady (whom I have know for many years) said to me, "Oh, you are back to smoking your pipes again?"  I grinned at her ruefully, and said in the best rendering I could muster of the voice of Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof), "No, I am not. But from your lips to God's ears." as I gave her the remaining few coins needed to get my coffee.  

Enough trying to type.  Off to sort and clean for me!      


Wednesday, August 02, 2023



It seems that my "nothing" posts..... are not as popular as the "nothing" concept that was very successful in the wonderful television program, Seinfeld.  For that I apologize.  My life is not particularly interesting nor exciting at the moment, and I guess it shows.

Seinfeld.... in my mind, is the BEST television program that occurred during the last decade of the previous century.  In the terminology of the time, it was truly "Must See TV".  We were glued to the screen each and every week.  

My favorite major character in Seinfeld always was Elaine Bennis.  The ever beautiful Julia Louis-Dreyfus amazed us every week with her character.  

Arguably, in truth, I had TWO favorite main characters in Seinfeld.  My other favorite was George Castanza, played by the incredible Jason Alexander.  In MANY ways, he was even more fun, funny, and entertaining that Elaine.  But, some of the actions of George Castanza, some of his behaviors, some of his thoughts..... hit just a little TOO close to home for comfort.  In far too many ways I feel a kinship with this character.... being rather a schmuck myself, and having a similar tendency to kvetch a fair amount..... although I thought George Castanza was ROBUSTLY funny as a character.... the character also acted a bit as a mirror to my own self.  

Do not get me wrong.... Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) and Kramer (Michael Richards) were valuable, important characters as well.  But, for me..... Elaine and George really drove the show into the stratosphere of comedy in my opinion.  

I have been thinking about Seinfeld the last several days, when I found that it is possible to purchase views of Seinfeld episodes via Amazon Prime.  I am trying to figure out a way to justify splurging on this possibility.  Even though I have not seen any episodes of Seinfeld since it went off the air in the late 90s.... I can still recall so many classic scenes.  I would like to watch the whole series again in order.  

  • Bad air quality today.  So, I forced myself to hoof out 11.1 miles (~18 km) on the indoor track.  I am glad for the track, but running over 100 laps..... very dull.  
  • My mind seemingly is going back into a stronger pipe desiring mode again.  Besides thinking about the pipe tobacco the avian embryologist I was intimidated to talk to back in my early years of graduate school.... I have also been thinking and reminiscing deeply about the incredibly beauty of the singular bowlful of "Three Star Blue" I was able to indulge in while in Chicago.  I can so easily recall even fine minutia of the flavors, textures, and power of the experience in its  entirety... of this bowlful of goodness from the moment flame contacted the leaf until I knocked the fine white ash from the bowl. 
  • I am awfully tired of cleaning and arranging and fussing with things... both at work (on the computer for classes this fall, in my laboratory, and in my teaching lab) and at home (fussing with cleaning and organizing the basement and the garage primarily.  It just NEVER seems to get "DONE".... it seems like it is forever on-going.  

Well, like I started with... I do apologize for the "nothing" post once again.  If I had anything more of relevance, I would  try my damnedest to get it onto this page.   


Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Mac Vs Windows


There is a conundrum that occurs at least several times a year for me while working with students here at the U.  It is related to the warring, ongoing debate about Apple computers versus Windows based computers.  Here are my thoughts:

  • I have used both Apple computers and Windows based computers.  
  • I know that some especially "rabid" and "ardent" Apple folks can sometimes be rather STRIDENT in their "Apple, and ONLY Apple" stances at times.  
  • When I used Apple computers, I liked them and appreciated them a great deal.
  • When I used Windows computers, I liked them and appreciated them a great deal.
  • Both Apple and Windows machines have aggravated the living hell out of me at times as well.  

Now, to continue.... I have been thinking about this a great deal recently because I know of a couple of future students who are looking to purchase a new computer before joining our campus.  They happen to be somewhat "strident" sounding, to me, in wanting to buy Apple.  However:

  • In my opinion, you need to have a machine that is most compatible with the environment you are going into.
  • The electronic environment of my U happens to be Windows based.  All classroom technology is Windows based. All teaching podiums are Windows based.  Roughly 95% of faculty have Windows machines in their offices and labs... myself included.  

Do not get me wrong..... I liked Apple when I used it. But, when I used Apple, it was in the "old days" (cough, to me it seems like yesterday, but that was at least three, if not nearly four decades ago) when machines were more like "independent" entities more akin to gussied up typewriters and calculators.... but were stand-alone machines.  BUT.... when the U started to build its campus infrastructure for its network across campus.... the U had to make a choice.... would they move more towards Apple or more towards DOS (for those of you who are still wet behind the ears, DOS is the operating system that was the precursor to what is now Windows).  My U chose to develop around DOS.

So... back to my original focus..... so I tell these future students that they SHOULD buy a Windows machine as it is far more functionally compatible with everything across campus.  I also tell these future students of the many students I have had who INSISTED they knew better and decided to buy an Apple machine.... and how.... while these students COULD exist and navigate across campus..... that in almost EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, they have to do extra effort to get their Apple machine to function on the U's infrastructure.  I also tell these future students that it would, IN MY OPINION, be pretty damn foolish to buy a computer that is less functionally compatible with the work environment where they will be using it for years.  

I have had this discussion with students before.  Usually it falls on deaf ears.  But, I can only offer my advice.  I have had several of these "strident" Apple folks tell me as they near graduation that they WISH they would have gotten a Windows machine for their work at the U. 

Other news:

  • Today's running was a repeat performance of yesterday.... 11.1 miles (~18 km).  But, it was a cooler, beautifully cloudy morning, so the run was quite pleasant and faster as well.  
  • The air quality index this morning had just nudged into the yellow zone.... and I probably SHOULD have ran inside.  BUT... I looked ahead for the next few days and it looks like the air quality index is going to get much worse for much of the rest of the week.  As today's AQI just barely nudged into the yellow zone, I decided to run outside because it is much, much less likely I can do so other days this week.  
  • The dream I had the other day still has been lingering with me.  It is so interesting that the long ago experienced olfactory memory of the pipe tobacco smoked by the avain developmental biologist was SO easy to recall and I can now still think through and experience in my imagination, that beautiful aroma now.  I do wish I knew what the actual pipe tobacco was.  My guess is that it may have been a somewhat custom blend he had the folks at the tobacconist make for him.  It seems like something me might have preferred.  Again, I was rather intimidated by him in graduate school... he was extremely detail focused and rather absolutist in thoughts... so I can imagine he may have discerned the precise composition of blends he wanted for his pipe mixture and guided it to be accomplished for him.  
  • I have never been (at least as I believe) a detail focused sort of individual, nor am I an "absolutist" in any fashion, except perhaps in my expectations for myself.  I never thought of having a special pipe tobacco blend made for me to some exact standards.... I liked them all, and they all had merit.  

Just to reiterate.... because sometimes Apple folks can become a bit.... uh.... intense (my colleague and dear friend who passed away two years ago (the one I wrote who joined the U a year after I did, and he was the one who had the heart attack while sleeping) was one of the few Apple holdouts on campus and he was rather intense about it...... but:

I DO NOT DISLIKE APPLE.  I simply think it is foolish to struggle with an Apple system that is not well suited for  the network and system of a U that has built its infrastructure around Windows.
