Upcoming Year - IdeasI have been thinking of how and what I may like to change in the upcoming year. I have numerous ideas on how I can strive to be a less wretched, horrid person. Yet, those thoughts will have to wait until later this week, perhaps, to define and delineate.
I have also been contemplating changes for this blog, and I do believe I HAVE thought of a plan that will help me to accomplish the following goals:
1. To write much more regularly (minimum of 5 days a week, plus hopefully often times having 6-7 posts a week by getting myself to post on weekends.
2. To attempt to increase my readership... and the number of comments I receive. It may be little known, but I desperately love receiving comments, even if they are negative.
3. To increase the diversity of my writings. I sometimes get into a rut about what I am discussing here. Be it the despair of my mother's passing, my frustrations at work, or my exercising... I know sometimes I probably bore people into unconsciousness by a lack of variety.
So, without further adieu, Here is my plan: I am going to attempt at the start of 2009 to write in CATEGORIES according to the day of the week. What I mean by this, is that I will have each day of the week designated as having a particular theme or focus that I find I think and like to write about. Now, granted, this list will be very LOOSE, for there may be days when I definitely do NOT want to write about a given topic and will choose another... much akin to what the networks do when they interrupt regularly scheduled programming with major news events. I like the possibilities offered by categories a great deal, and I truly think this experiment will help me to accomplish the above three goals. Here is my tentative template of categories I am currently mulling over:
Mondays - Topical News Events & My Opinions on These Events
Tuesdays - Emotional Thoughts and Feelings
Wednesdays - Exercise and Fitness Issues
Thursdays - Work Related Ideas & Issues
Fridays - All Things About Pipes & Libations
Saturdays - Fun & Adventurous Pursuits
Sundays - Spiritual & Philosophical Thoughts
At least for now, these seem a good distribution of the topics I write about. It seems to cover the gambit of things I focus on and should help me keep my writings more frequent, more fresh, and more diverse.
Another thing I am going to try is something I learned from BBC that seems wildly successful. He regularly comments in his own comments section about the comments he has received. I think I will begin this process as well. I am not sure why I never thought of it before. I have on rare occasion, commented on others comments, but this likely improve things further, and I think many of my commenters may actually enjoy hearing back from me specifically about their comments.
A third option I am contemplating as well, but perhaps is much less likely to occur is that I am thinking I should perhaps switch my comments section to "GOOGLE/BLOGGER COMMENTS" instead of the HaloScan comments I have used since the inception of this blog over 5 years ago. I used HaloScan at the time because it was the norm of that day, but now most folks are using the GOOGLE/BLOGGER" built in comments section. Part of me would like to make the switch as I suspect there is a growing number of people who may not want to bother using HaloScan and may thereby unfortunately NOT comment. But part of me is weary and not eager to try to figure out how to remove the HaloScan comments code AND how to insert the GOOGLE/BLOGGER code WITHOUT DISRUPTING the look and/or feel of my blog.... AND without LOSING the HaloScan comments.
I would greatly appreciate any comments and/or advice you may wish to give on any of the above matters or any other ideas of your choosing.