How to Try to Become Better
Every morning during my walk, for the last year or so, I have used that time to focus on prayer and reflection by contemplation and reciting of the rosary. It has been a good addition to my walking/jogging, as it is a patterned way to force me to reflect and contemplate on how I wish to become.
Between each decade of the rosary, I contemplate a particular mystery and think of the potential fruits of that mystery. Then I go through an array of prayers for friends, family, and myself that is often something like this:
1. I pray for the immediate members of my family that we may be able to live a happy, healthy, joyful time here on Earth as a family for as many years and decades as possible.
2. I pray for the immediate members of my family that we may be able to live forever in happiness and joy as a family eventually in Heaven.
3. I pray for each of my kids, specifying precise details about each of their needs, hopes, and aspirations.
4. I pray for my wife so that she may attain her goals.
5. I pray that my wife and I continue to strive to be better spouses for each other and that we continue to strive to be better parents for our children.
6. I pray for various family members and friends who are experiencing difficulties at this time (death of a loved one, illness, they have a family member who is ailing, etc.).
7. I pray that I may be forgiven for my sins. I ask forgiveness for all my sins, those I recognize and those that I do not.
8. I especially pray for me to not be an angry, sarcastic person.
9. I pray for the victims of Japan's nuclear incident, especially for those who are still being exposed to the radiation.
10. I pray for guidance on how to deal with my pipe smoking.
11. I pray that I may walk the path that God, Christ, and Holy Spirit wish for me to walk.
12. I pray for guidance on how to be a better, kinder person.
The above prayer guided by the rosary typically takes me 45 minutes or so during my walk/jog each morning. After I have finished the five decades of the rosary for that day, I will typically finish my walk/jog by listening to NPR during the last 15 minutes.
The above image is that of the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. It is where I attended Mass this past Sunday. It is a beautiful structure. And, as always, I love how even though I did not "know" anyone other than my family members, I still felt as part of a big family. Being able to visit other parishes/dioceses/cathedrals during my travels always is so very comforting and reassuring.