The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Catch Up


Even though it will be a very busy day, I am hopeful this will also be a very productive day.  Today is the first day this week that I have some FLEXIBLE time in order to be able to play catch up with various additional requirements for my time that have built up this week, and to also try to resolve many things that have just not been able to be fully completed during the robustly full week I have experienced.  

  • I have several late, add-in requests from some students who want to be participating in my research lab with me.  I have always been popular with the kids, but this is a particularly big year, and there have been quite a number of "late bloomers" who have waited until now to ask me.  They do not know nor recognize the substantial paperwork I need to do to officially allow them to be in my lab.  But, I can get most of that done today, I hope for the late hopefuls.  
  • Lots of research things for me to do today as well.
  • Even though my lectures were smooth and confident all week, I now have the need to get a great deal of new electronica ready and released to students for NEXT WEEK'S lectures in my courses so that they can have the materials they need when they get back from Labor Day.  
  • I did eek out time to be able to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" although I was a bit late.  However, much to my surprise...  that may have been a good thing for me, because all the fellows greeted me heartily (almost in a "Norm!" fashion, like on "Cheers") upon my entry, which made me feel good.... and not so much of an "outsider".  
  • The place, however, had ran out of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar I had always been selecting.  As is known here, I really LIKE routine, so loss of my "go to" type.... as well as being late.... was starting to get me feeling a bit "out-of-sorts" but I worked hard to quell those feelings, and simply picked some other Arturo Fuente that was nearby the empty box of Hemingways,  paid for it and sat down.
  • This other cigar was pleasant enough.  It was not as richly flavorful as the A. F. Hemingway, but it was fine.  And, of course... it, nor the A. F. Hemingway compared in any appreciable way to the robustly beautiful flavors, textures, and aromas of a pipe. There is no comparison at all in terms of the pipe's superiority.    But, the cigar was nice, and the conversation was pleasant and fun as well.  The experience was nicely relaxing.
  • On the way back to the U for the "ultra important" unexpected Department Meeting, since I was going to go close to my home as I traveled back, I thought I would stop home to change into a different set of clothes and to swish some mouthwash in my mouth.... in order to decrease the probability of potential negative remarks about my cigar foray from the "dynamic duo" who would be at the meeting.  
  • I needn't have bothered, though, for the more annoying member of the duo was her usual crab-ass self, and still commented to me anyhow.  Oh well. 
  • My wife and I may be going to play Euchre with my SIL and her husband this evening.  If we get to go, it should be fun.  
  • I finished another 10.1 miles this morning (~16 km).... so I am officially at my target of at least 50 miles (~80 km) for the week!  Yeah!   My feet can rest for two days!!!
  • I might push myself to paint the trim on our house this weekend.  Not sure yet, but I will look at the expected weather to see if it will be dry most days. I have plans to possibly "spice up" the trim a bit in a new way as well.  My wife has given me (somewhat hesitantly) approval for the changes I am envisioning.  It involves some different colors and patterning to the trim than it had before. 
In case you were puzzled by my images on this post..... they are representing how my mind is always performing semi-alliterative word play within itself.  I have this going on in my head much of the time.  So, when I initially decided to title this post "Catch Up" it then immediately sprang into my head the similarity of the word Ketchup.... and that reminded me of how (since I really do not like to eat ketchup (not even with its alternative spelling "catsup")) I also used to purposefully mispronounce the word as "Cat Soup" although I would never want my friendly kitty, nor any kitty to be made into soup.  

But, that is my reality.  My mind likes to amuse and bemuse itself by alliterating, alternating, and disambiguating many, many of the words I hear all day long. 


Thursday, August 29, 2024



Just a quick post.  I am so continually busy during this first week that I seem to have little time for anything other than just work. I cannot wait until Friday, because it is more open and flexible and I can catch up on things both work and non-work related.  

  • 10 miles, like usual, today (~16km). I got up at 4:30am to run to get a bit more of a headstart on the work day, however.
  • The Department scheduled a "suddenly important" meeting for late this afternoon.  I am not sure what this may mean for my "Retiree's Cigar Group" which is in the late lunch time.  I may have to forgo the pleasure, or perhaps I will be stubborn enough to try to do that and get back in time.  Not sure.
  • The first week is USUALLY hectic helping the students get things STARTED and trying to give them the right sort of philosophical framework on how to succeed.  But, while that is occurring, I have much, much more rodent mania happening as well as I am trying to get new researchers up to snuff along with an impending conference I am going to attend that was scheduled a month earlier than typical in other years.  

So, I am feeling tuckered out all the time right now.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I feel very tired.

  • The AC is still down in our building at the U, and it is also extremely humid because of heavy, heavy thunderstorms that occurred this morning.  Even hanging with the rodents does not offer much respite (the portable AC in there is struggling to keep up).  
  • When I ran this morning, it was already 76 degrees (F) (24.5 C) at 4:55am.  I ran in "Sasquatch Mode" again.  But at about the 5 mile mark, the thunder and lightning started and it began a torrential downpour that lasted the remainder of my run until I was about only two minutes from home.  Then the rain stopped.  The thunder and lightning was extensive.  My weather app had said that we were not really at much risk for the thunderstorms during the time I had been running.  Hah.  
  • Oh..... 10 miles ran total this morning (~16 km)
  • I am looking forward to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this Thursday.  Mostly because it is starting to feel like it is a sort of "vacation" away from my requirements and responsibilities.  I am not sure if that makes sense.  The cigar will be interesting.... but in many ways it is unimportant except as a sort of "admission ticket".  Do not get me wrong..... I will find the cigar enjoyable.... but it is NOT a pipe, and it does not have the ability to quell the desire I have and still have for a pipe instead.  
  • It is SO humid in the building now that the small salt and pepper shaker I bought at the dollar store.... the salt portion has caked together from absorbed atmospheric moisture.  I have never had that happen before in this building in the decades I have inhabited this space.  I could not salt my hard boiled egg that was in my lunchbox.  I could only add pepper. 
  • I have reverted to my usual feelings of the political races being obnoxious, pointless, and tiresome.  I am glad Harris/Walz are doing well.  I hope/suspect they will win easily in November.  But, I am very tired of the hoopla and hyperbole from all the politicians on both sides already and we still have roughly 10 weeks left (sigh) of the "rah rah, vote for me" stuff.  And, another 10 weeks of constant "news" after the vote about the transition to whomever wins. 
  • My classes were hot and sweaty too.  I worked very hard to still try to be exuberant through both of them.  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Off to the Races


Off to the races...... the new semester has begun!  I am striving to have it be enjoyable, peaceful, and even keel.  

  • It is set to be a blistering hot week with every day in the 90+s F (32+ C).  
  • Our building's AC is unfortunately still down.  So, it will be hot and sweaty.  But, the more worrisome aspect are for my rodents.  Our U facilities brought us a portable AC unit for the rodent facility.  With all of its hoses and tubes, it is a challenge to navigate, but the rodents will stay cooler at least.  This has been going on for ~3 weeks so far, and it is a catastrophic failure, so it may go on for several more weeks.  
  • It was so hot this morning, I ran in "Sasquatch Mode" today at the break of 5am.  I only wore shorts, socks and shoes..... plus my hat with the light on it to navigate my way.  10 miles (~16km).
  • My friend from Mass who got me involved in the "Retiree's Cigar Group" mentioned at Mass that I was missed this last Thursday.  I had told folks I was unable to attend last Thursday, but my friend is a bit forgetful.  To be missed/noticed that I was not there.... felt nice, however.  
  • My wife and I will be having a delightful swim in the late afternoon.  I will be looking forward to it after "big voicing" for several hours.  
  • Tonight is the first rehearsal of the Fall Series in the band.  I have my reeds and mouthpiece soaking in mouthwash on the counter, so they will be clean for tonight as I had (regrettably) not picked up my bass clarinet since the conclusion of our Spring Series.  I should have cleaned them up then, but never got around to it, thinking I would play a lot during the Summer. 
  • Off to class! 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Just A Few

Smaller post today.... I am frantically doing what seems like thousands of things simultaneously:

  • Ran my 10 miles (~16km).  Uneventful, other than I needed to use a strategically located "Porta-Potty" en route.  I do not like having to do this, and most days I do not.  But, I have learned to take a route running (I have two that are like this) that has such a facility if I have any question on whether it may be one of "those" days while running.  I prefer running wherever I fell like running, but having those two routes where the "Porta-Potty" is gives me peace of mind on certain days.
  • Lots of rodent work today.
  • Lots of e-mails to worried/fearful/nervous/concerned students.  Add to this that one of the lab instructors I have in association with my lecture....mistakenly sent out an e-mail to ALL my students (and not just his lab students) about things..... and this has caused a bunch of the students who have a different lab instructor to panic and write to me for clarification.
  • I DID write an e-mail of clarification to ALL my lecture students letting them know of this lab instructor's error.... but it does not quell the confusion entirely.  I still get many,many students who are worried.
  • Theoretically my wife and I are going to meet up with my sisters and their husbands for dinner tonight.  It should be enjoyable.  Perhaps I will have an IPA or two.
  • I have to say I missed not being able to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" yesterday.  I should have room in schedule to attend again next Thursday.  I missed that relaxation.  I missed the chatting (even though I am probably still too quiet).  I did not particularly miss having the cigar, although I have enjoyed the ones I have had there.  It is such a completely different beast than a pipe.  I MISS having a pipe.  And, I am glad I see a trajectory where I believe I will be able to allow myself a pipe in the "Retiree's Cigar Group" come around November, I believe.  I am ALREADY looking forward to that.
I guess that is all I can scribble down in my short time for today.


Thursday, August 22, 2024


Comments on comments:

AC said...

"Maybe you are forcing it with the group if it isn't a spontaneous, natural sort of thing? Or maybe it will grown on you more. Or maybe, cigars just aren't pipes and never will be. Who knows? I don't for sure.

I may have misspoke yesterday.  I did not mean that I disliked the "Retiree's Cigar Group" because I actually had a nice experience last week.  I meant that yesterday, my stress was not something that seemed to be something the "Retiree's Cigar Group" would help quell..... and that I was having a strong craving for a pipe.... which, strange as it may seem to many, to me.... feels VASTLY different than a cigar.  

"Yes, I was going to suggest Tile or an airtag or whatever.

I received the airtags yesterday (I got them instead of a "Tile" as it appears smaller and thinner (less obtrusive)).  Hopefully, my wife and I can figure them out this weekend. 

GaP said....

"...but when I just accepted the fact that I am, indeed, a tiny, microscopic cog in this Rube Goldberg contraption called capitalist society, I felt liberated. 

I agree with you.  It is just SOMETIMES the thought of being a cog can also feel a bit sad.

Josh said.... 

Remember my comment about being a "bad boy"? Perhaps it is time to blow off some steam. Humans aren't machines and you should think of yourself sometimes.

I do remember that comment from you, and I do believe it has significant merit.  There are times where I have very much imagined if I were to be more of a "bad boy" meaning I just lived life filled with gusto and on the edge and was sort of a hedonist looking for pleasure.  I do not know if I could ever pull it off with my personality.... or if I would feel comfortable really BEING that way..... but it does have a real appeal at least in my imagination at times.  

Even if I could emulate your restraint, I don't think I would mainly because life is far too short.

I find it interesting that you feel I display restraint.  At some level it feels both "good" that I am perceived that way but also sometimes a bit "embarrassing" that I am perceived that way.  I tend to have minimal insight into how others perceive me.  And, yet, I also am not sure how I would want others to perceive me if I could change myself.  It is a somewhat elusive idea in many regards and perhaps it is so in part because I do not even fully understand how I perceive myself.  I feel that INSIDE I am just all over the map most of the time.

Katrina said....

I hope you have a good time on your own while your wife is traveling, and pamper yourself a bit

As I wrote on Monday, my big "pamper" ended up being my allowing myself one bottle of a very pleasant IPA.  The rest of the time I just worked.  Well, I take that back.... I also found and watched an episode of "Cannon" that I had never seen before!  It was an episode about a siliceous writer who was in hiding because folks wanted to kill him before he finished his "Tell-all" book.  Watching the television show, "Cannon" makes me feel relaxed and joyful for some reason.  

Liz & Margaret said similarly.....

"Oh no, nightmare! Sometimes you can't see for looking.

"That would be terrifying! I am always worried about misplacing my keys. Glad you located them but the stress along the way was NOT a good thing. 

Yes, I am ALWAYS very, very nervous about the potential to lose my keys or my wallet.  I have had nightmares of it happening.  I luckily never PERMANENTLY lost my keys or wallet so far, but a half dozen times or so over the decades I have had pure panic in having lost one or the other for more than a week.  I am unfortunately rather forgetful (and have always been) about where those pesky things are.  

Margaret said....

"A late friend of mine had a powder blue Rabbit for a while. We loved seeing him drive in to the school parking lot. It didn't fit his personality at all.

The quirkiness of the VW Rabbit I think fit my personality well, and it was fun as hell to drive too.  The only vehicle I had that I do not think fit my personality was a black 1988 Mercury Topaz with beige interior I had for about two years.  Even though it was a small car, it was black (most awful color for a car in my opinion) and it just was not "me":

Margaret & AC commenting similar on teaching and August....

"We used to say that the whole month feels like 31 Sunday evenings. 

"Late August was somewhat of an anxious time for this educator.

Yes.... you both described it very accurately to how I have felt.  Interestingly, as the START approaches, the dread has declined.... probably mostly because it is inevitable.... like a a train speeding downhill will inevitably reach bottom.  

Pam J says....

"They talk about right-sizing yourself and your expectations of yourself.  … the quality of humility really breaks down to having a reasonable perspective of yourself. It is quite simply seeing the truth of your life and your place in the world... ...Gone is your self-entitlement or grandiosity; as is your shame, regrets or unworthiness.

That is really a lot to ponder, and I appreciate your writing this. I do not really have the words to express anything yet, as I am still mulling over the above.  But, I do think it is very important for me to think about and I thank you. 

Pat said....

Memories... when I was in 10th grade, my carpool driver took me to and from school in one of those, though I think it was a 1977 model. Same color and body shape, though. I remember the Rabbit Diesel as a nice enough sedan, but a bit spartan by the standard of my father's land yachts (Ford LTD around that time, if I'm remembering correctly).

Although my Dad was not fond of Fords (he prefered Chevrolet and Buick models).... he too liked the "land yacht" style beasts.  For me, the spartan-ness of the VW felt "refreshing" and the smaller size was a helluva lot more fun to drive.  I have always prefered small cars and small trucks.  

* * * * *

  • I was able to get in my 10 miles (~16km) this morning.  That is good.
  • I would say my PCS is still at 9+ today.  Looking at my pipes in the pipe rack and smelling the sweet pipe tobacco in the humidor is beyond enticing me.  It surely is.
  • However, I would also say I feel more calm and less resigned to "gloom"
  • Feeling less gloomy has me imagining hopeful, positive things for the weekend.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Tensile strength is a term used in many facets of science, including biology.  Tensile strength is the resistance of a material to breaking under tension. When the tensile strength of a material is surpassed, the material fails. 

I feel like I am at the maximum of my emotional tensile strength.  Some of it may be the residual effects of the emotions of the losing of the keys incident.  Some of it may be related to the approaching start of the academic year.  Some of it may be related to emotions about being damn old.  Some of it may be related to a sense of failure.... failure of what I could have done versus the little I have done with my life.  Some of it may be related to issues related to that which I no longer talk about.  

My pipe and pipe tobaccos used to help me modulate the stressors so that even when it was rough, it would still stay below potential exceeding maximal tensile strength.  Although I always miss my pipes and pipe tobaccos, today I am missing them significantly more strongly.  If you recall my old PCS scale (Pipe Craving Score), today is assuredly a 9+.  

The "Retiree's Cigar Group" is nice, but a cigar is NOT a pipe.  And, I do not have the option to attend the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this Thursday anyway due to another commitment.  

I had hoped to write about something more interesting today, but with the out-of-sorts feelings of anxiety I am experiencing at the moment, this is what I could do.  I do sincerely believe a sizable chunk of it is still residual stress from the damn key crap.  The locator fobs may arrive from Amazon today.  I will see how long it takes me to figure out how to use the damn things.  


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Key to Failure

About 9:00pm last night, through a series of unusual events, I came to the realization that I did not have my keys..... I have a large set of keys..... vehicle, home, and many U keys.  Their loss set me into a anxiety filled panic.  I and my wife searched everywhere at home for over three hours.  I called the pool and the public safety of the pool.  I called the grocery store we had gone to.  No luck.  I was told, because the pool itself was closed, to try again in the morning (6am).  I had a fitfull sleep.  I awoke at 6am, called.  Called the grocery store again, all to no avail.   I then spent another three hours search and backtracking all through the house to all the places I had been (or at least could recall being).  I was running late for work at the U.  Losing U keys is a REALLY GIGANTIC deal and involves making new cores on locks of all the doors the keys work in.  .  Losing the vehicle key would cost ~$250 for a replacement.  Losing home keys could increase vulnerability.  

I was beside myself.  

I eventually found the keys in a stack of my hats on the dresser in my bedroom.  I HAD looked there at least THREE times during the search period yesterday and today.  

I had to scoot immediately to work.  It has been exhausting, just doing the normal work, as my mind is shot.  

I have ordered a "fob" thing to put on my keys so I can track them.  I cannot go through this again.


Monday, August 19, 2024

VW Rabbit Diesel


The image above is of the favorite vehicle I have ever owned.  It is a 1979 VW Rabbit Diesel.  It is Dessert Sand Beige in color and had a manual, metal sunroof.  I have had many vehicles over the years (only ONE brand new one, the rest were used to be more economical), but by far the most fun and enjoyable to drive was the Rabbit.  

It would rattle a bit like a teapot at idle (due to the diesel engine), but everything about the car was well built, fun, and well designed.  And, I would get an honest 50 mpg (~21 kmpl) from the vehicle, no matter where I drove (and even squeezed a little above 53 mpg (~23 kmpl) when I "babied" the car through a tankful to see how good I could get it to be). 

No real reason as to why I posted the above other than I was thinking about the vehicle while I was running this morning.  I was remembering how I would open the sunroof when I was smoking my pipe (opened just an inch in the Winter, but very effective).  

It has been another busy day of research preparedness and class preparation, so unfortunately I did not get to write about last week's comments.  I will probably do that tomorrow (Tuesday).  

As for the weekend while my wife was away.... I cleaned out the garage (a very arduous task) and donated a lot of things to Goodwill in the process, and also disposed of a lot of junk.  I also have a ZILLION (close, anyhow) cardboard boxes to cut up and put into recycling.... but it will have to wait until next week because the bin is already full of other recyclables.  

I did allow myself the luxury of having one bottle of "Bells Two-Hearted IPA" Friday evening.  It was absolutely delicious with a deep, dark, rich, malty and hoppy flavor.  

I fasted on Saturday (other than coffee, water, diet soda, and communion).  Besides cleaning more of the garage and making runs to Goodwill, I also went to Mass on Saturday and visited my MIL and took her communion and some treats and apples.   


Friday, August 16, 2024

Plus & Minus

Yesterday was much better at the "Retiree's Cigar Group."  I did talk considerably more, and yet do not feel I was overbearing or "too" chatty.  As a result I felt less anxiety (not zero anxiety, but hopefully that will come with time) and it was nice and was a positive.  Because of an appointment next week at that time, I will not be able to go, but will again in two weeks, God willing.

I have not ran yet, today, for I stayed around home helping my wife prepare for her journey this morning.  I then saw her off on her flight.  I will hopefully get my miles in this afternoon.  I am not sure if I will run outside (if it is cloudy, yes) or inside (if it is bright sun).  

Now to the negative:

This time of year is an odd one for educators (or at least me).  It is what I think of as a "zone of nebulosity" meaning that it is technically still "Summer" but it is also only a little over a week before the new U semester will begin, which is truthfully "Fall" in my mind.  This in-between time usually feels emotionally difficult in a number of ways:

1.  I feel a sense of melancholy at the end of the flexibility and freedom offered by "Summer."

2.  I feel worry/anxiety about the start of a new, "rigid" routine of "Fall."

3.  I feel underprepared, even though I am as prepared as I can be.  

4.  I feel work-avoidant, even though there is plenty of work to do.

5.  I feel like a trained seal, or a lever pressing rat, or a robot in that emotionally I do not feel like anything other than a small, insignificant cog in a machine of no importance.  I just do what I do, and then I repeat it, and repeat it again.  I just keep spinning like that cog.  

Adding now to this are the three days my wife will be away.  I am never really liking the few times my wife has to travel somewhere without me.  But, in the past, I had some "go to" things that would be enjoyable alternatives.... I could go hang out with my father-in-law, enjoy a beverage and a pipe..... I could go hang out at the pipe shop that used to be or travel to the farther away one.  

But, now, those things are not possible.  Of course, my FIL has passed away, so that is not possible.  Drinking a beer or two or three by myself seems pointless.  Having a pipe and/or going to a pipe shop is not an option, as I have already gone to the "Retiree Group" yesterday, and to indulge in a pipe now would most assuredly get me on a quite slippery slope....... even made even MORE slippery as I would be home alone for three days.  

The pool is unfortunately closed this week for its yearly, damnable "maintenance schedule" which I think really is just to give the pool folks a cohesive vacation.  So, no swimming.  

I should probably just buck-up and go do some sort of work.  Cleaning the garage sounds really blah.  Working on more U things seems boring as hell at the moment.  Redecorating the bathroom seems tedious.  I know I could easily go home and take a nap, and probably sleep until early evening if I allowed myself.  But, that does not damn good either, and then I would probably toss-and-turn all night.  

So, I am not sure what to do. I just know I am feeling emotionally edgy.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Just Stuff


A meandering menagerie of stuff today:

  • Dutifully ran my 10 miles (~16km) this morning.  I am thinking I am in need of a new pair of the damn expensive running shoes again.  Mine are starting to feel worn out.
  • I was looking at my mileage counter this morning as I recorded my 10 miles, and I see that I have thus far ran 1,632 miles (~2,626 km) this year.  That means I am still on track to, if I can keep it up, and God willing, for me to reach my "Run the Year" mark in October sometime.  
  • Unfortunately (for me, at least) my wife has a three day trip she has to go on, beginning tomorrow.  It will be very boring for me without her.  I probably should try to do something valuable while she is gone.  I have been contemplating either a) cleaning the garage, b) cleaning he basement, c) painting the trim on our house, or working on the planned redcoration of our master bathroom.  None of the work sounds appealing. But, if I do work on some or all of it, I will at least have made productive use of the time, and not been a sloth.
  • While I am working here in my U Office, I am still contemplating if I will go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this early afternoon or not.  I have a mixed bag of thoughts about it..... a) it could be fun and pleasant, b) it could be stressful if I do not meet the "talking quota", c) it is admittedly rather superfluous an activity and I perhaps SHOULD just stay at the U and do more work. 
  • I realized I have not talked about my pipes or pipe tobaccos in a bit.  I still miss and desire them just as much as always.  That has not changed.  I think that perhaps because I at least have a potential plan on how in the future to have an occasional pipe (at the Retiree's Cigar Group), the task of figuring out how to "fit in" successfully so I CAN transition to a pipe has been the focus. To succeed in getting to "fit in" will give me the potential for the "occasional pipe pathway" I seek and *think* I can likely maintain without falling "off the wagon".   

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Comments on Comments August 14th (Should have been August 12th)


It has been quite hectic the last few days with an influx of new research students coming into my lab to prepare for our big Fall research push.  I have been very busy with them showing them the ropes on how to handle rodents, busy with a new rodent painting scheme (we use permanent markers (by color) to identify them individually), revising and bettering a variety of data collection sheets,  and basically trying to corral these new researchers into seeing and recognizing the need for a planned, patterned workflow.  

My wife and I had a wonderful Anniversary day!  We went to an historic mid-century home converted into a museum highlighting that design (we had not ever visited before).  The tour was wonderful and was just the right length at about 2 hours.  We ate a fancy lunch at a new to us, fancy restaurant.  The food was delightfully fresh and well crafted.  I also had a pleasant, local IPA at lunch which was new to me as well.  We then went to Mass, then to a nearby town to have an ice cream treat at a quaint ice cream shop that makes its own ice cream flavors, and went to that town's movie theater for an evening film.  We both felt wonderful, content, and happy when we returned home at ~10:00pm and then we both had a few gifts to give each other as well.  

Running has been smooth and steady.  Thus far this week, I have simply ran my allotted 10 miles (~16km) each morning.... without fuss.... just getting them in.  It has felt nice to have it feel more like a routine again as the last couple of weeks I would sometimes struggle to be motivated to do the damn runs.  

* * * * *

Some excerpts of comments I received last week and my responses..... arranged alphabetically by the name of the commenter..... usually this is my plan for Mondays but I did not get to write that day:

AC said....

"That got a little lengthy for me. The only comment I have, I could have had last time. It’s just that I don’t think we have the Brach brand name here."

Again, I am sorry, I am trying to not be so verbose any longer.  When I was last in Canada, I searched to see if there were any "Bridge Mix" candies, and I found ONE style.  I cannot remember the name offhand (will look when I get home), but it was underwhelmingly NOT "Brachs-like".   

GaP said...

I really enjoyed your TAO AND ZEN observations..."

I did too!  Pam had stated them and they resonated with me.


Granny Sue said...

 "What I do is to ask them questions, so they talk about themselves. People love to do that."

I usually do that too.  What is perhaps difficult for me is that a) there is always someone talking, and I have a bit of hesitancy to "butt in" and b) there are often MULTIPLE people talking at once.... which also disorients my mind a bit since I always have a strong desire for linearity.  

Margaret stated.....

"Just washing or pressure washing. My house still looks fairly new (recent paint job) but there is bird poop up too high for me to clean off. It annoys me!"

It was a sort of "in-between" style, which appealed to me.  I have seen folks who have done traditional power washing and it literally removes paint in some instances.  This fellow used what he calls a "Soft Wash" approach where he will literally wash the roof and sides with  soapy/cleaner infused water that he administers by various soft (but large) brushes and wands with sponges.  He then uses a very low pressure washer to rinse and detail things.   

"The "vet" appears to want attention and control and will do any persnickety thing to get them."

This morning, 147 days after the first submission, and 45 days after the submission of the damn silly corrections of the typographical errors (a missing period, a missing comma, that sort of thing).... I received word that they are now "approved" and when I eventually get the actual letters saying so, I may begin.    

"I'm not very shy although not an extrovert and might hazard saying something like, "I'm new here. Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" 

I am rather shy (at least in those sorts of small group settings).  The idea of asking"I'm new here. Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" as you suggest.... seems both appealing to me.... but also horrifyingly stress inducing.  If I could muster the courage to say that, it might alleviate things... but, it also gives me HUGE anxiety and I would worry that I would be misperceived as wanting to JUST talk about me or that I would want to wrangle the conversation to only things I want to talk about.  Strange conundrum.    

Peppylady (Dora) asked...

"Could we please see a photo of your beloved puppy dog?"


This is actually not her, but the puppy above is my beloved dog's “doppelganger". They both look IDENTICAL to each other.  Her haircut is exactly the same as well.  
Pat stated.....

Professor, when you stand in front of a classroom, do you worry about "fitting in"? Of course not! You are there to show the others in the room the beauty of what you are teaching.
True.  But the thing that makes it different is that I am TASKED with attempting to educate my students.  I am not really tasked to do anything in a social setting, so I tend towards my more quiet “me”.  The teaching task supersedes the "need" to fit in. And even then, I do think long and hard about my segues and analogies, to try to make sure they DO "fit in" to what will help students understand.  A case in point.... for decades I would talk about Don Knotts as a case example of  hyperthyroidism.  But, it was perhaps 10 years ago or so I realized that most of the students had no damn idea who he was, most had never heard of "The Incredible Mr. Limpet" nor of the "Andy Griffith Show" although some did recognize "Three's Company".  Now, in order for the concepts to land successfully, I show a brief clip of Mr. Knotts in a rather frenetic scene to help illustrate and give more back-story to help them at least recognize what I am suggesting. 

"Maybe you could view your bringing a pipe to the retirees group in a similar way? You have something to offer, something to share."
I do hope that I can do as you suggest eventually (I am imagining near Thanksgiving or Christmas).  But, I also unfortunately know that my personality would make me feel like a Skinnerian rat pressing the wrong lever (zap!) if I tried to do so BEFORE I felt like I fit in.  
At this point, I do believe I will go to the group again tomorrow.  And, I do believe I will try again to talk more at the group.  If I can figure out whatever my talking "quota" needs to be, it will alleviate some stress.  I still think I MAY be able to feel like I fit it, especially if I find the right level of talking. 


Friday, August 09, 2024



Not really sure.

I am not really sure if the "Retiree's Cigar Group" is for me or not.  

I enjoy the folks there.

I have found the cigars I have indulged in, to be fine and reasonably enjoyable (They are not a pipe, however).  But, I do believe if I can be an accepted member, I could transition to a pipe eventually.

But, I am not sure if my quiet nature in the group is acceptable or not.  Some of the guys have said that maybe I could "talk more" next week..... two weeks in a row.  There is at least one other person who has been there who is as quiet or perhaps quieter than I am.... but he has been in the group for a decade or more from what I understand.

And, I did *try* to converse more yesterday, and I did to some degree.  But, my worry about figuring out (and finding a pause in the conversations) when and where I could "jump in" to say something, and also my trying to figure out something appropriate/useful/meaningful/or humorous within the context of what was being discussed to contribute..... had me feeling on edge.  

And, feeling "on edge" is the antithesis of why I want to go there and be a part of the group. 

Yesterday felt a bit too much like "work" and not relaxation or enjoyment.  It is frustrating.  

* * * * *

  • I reached my 50 mile weekly goal this morning (I ran 10 miles this morning (~16km)). So I can take the weekend off from running.
  • This weekend is my and my wife's Wedding Anniversary.  I have a big, robust day of a lot of activities (that I feel and hope are romantic) and I have a few gifts that I hope my beloved will find meaningful.  


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Listening vs Talking

An unfortunate thing about me is that when in a group of folks, I tend to become quiet.  I am quite comfortable at one-on-one conversation with people, and of course, I can TEACH with small or quite large classrooms of people.  But, being a "conversationalist" in a group of say 4-10 people who are casually talking, I have the natural inclination to "clam up".  This is especially true in a group that is of folks I know modestly.

Meetings are not the same.  A meeting is a more task-oriented group with some sort of goal, and even though they are  not my favorite tasks, I can and do get my point(s) across in meetings.  

But, a casual, unfocused group.... I am just damn awful as a conversationalist.  I AM a damn good listener, and often could repeat and synopse most everything that was said.  

This brings me to my conundrum.  With it being Thursday, I am hoping to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this early afternoon.  But, I am getting the sense that I "should" be talking more in order to fit in. One fellow actually suggested that I talk more the last time I was there.  I wasn't completely silent, but I did not talk a lot.  But, then again there were two other fellows who were pretty quiet (one said nothing).  But, with me being the "newbie" and the others knowing each other for a long time, perhaps my relative quietness is off-putting.  

So, I do not know what to think.  It is a bit uncomfortable for me just to "spout" out things, especially when things are not my forte.  I usually try to ask questions in that case.... in many ways as a way to get the others to talk more.  But, I guess I have to rethink that.  

We shall see.


Wednesday, August 07, 2024



I do not know what the hell happened to make my post all "white" and pale blue writing.  I am hoping this re-posting fixes it:

As a "science guy" I really should report on some of what I feel are the most pressing issues regarding science.... at least occasionally.  So, I thinking I will perhaps devote Wednesdays to trying to highlight science that I think is especially meaningful and important. 

From both a medical and ecological perspective, I believe we as a world are at grave risk from the effects of plastics. 

Think about how ubiquitous plastics are in every facet of daily life.  It is nearly impossible to not have plastics in day-to-day living currently.  Most modern plastics are derived from fossil fuels so their use and manufacturing also impacts us related to climate change. Plastics can and do break down into their constituent parts over time, even though their breakdown is dependent upon environmental factors.  There are a large array of chemical components in most plastics.  One fairly well known component of many plastics we come across in day-to-day life are the bisphenols, of which bisphenol A is the most well known, even though there are several bisphenols that have been or are used in plastics.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that can have neural and endocrine effects:

  • BPA can impair neural proliferation, migration, and differentiation during brain development.
  • BPA can also reduce the proliferative capacity of neural stem cells and oligodendrocytes. 
  • BPA can influence synaptic formation and activity in the brain. 
  • BPA can interact with DNA base pairs, destroying the molecular structure and impairing DNA function. 
  • BPA binds strongly to ERRγ, a nuclear receptor expressed in the mammalian brain during development. This binding could perturb ERRγ's physiological functions, which may lead to neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • BPA is associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and schizophrenia.  
  • BPA has also been associated with cognitive and behavioral disorders, such as memory impairments, attention deficits, and reduced focus

We are literally a global experiment (we are "guinea pigs" so-to-speak) on the effects of these compounds.  The global transition from glass and metal containers to plastic containers that began primarily in the 1970s but accelerated in the 1980s means we are all being exposed to these compounds that were mostly unheard of prior to that time. 

And, even though I have only focused lightly on BPA and its effects, there is SO, SO very much more involved as well in terms of human, non-human animal, and environmental health related to plastics.  It is NOT recognized as it should be by the public at large.


Tuesday, August 06, 2024



Two things happened last week that are worth briefly mentioning:

1.  Our beloved dog had her scheduled grooming and bath.  She is mostly a Wheaton Terrier, so she really needs to get a haircut regularly.  But, she is older now, and with that, I get nervous about her appointments.  She is a very rambunctious elder dog when around new folks (defined as anyone not of the immediate household).  She gets so animated and excited that she very nearly will wiggle out of her skin in such happiness and excitement. I worry about her going to the groomer because the experience gets her so excited that now when she comes home she is literally wiped out for at least a day.  But, she did get her grooming, she looks adorable and smells like baby powder as well.  The groomer always gives her a neck bandana to wear at the end.  This time the cloth was a purple plaid color.  

2.  We had, for the first time ever, our house washed (externally).  I am not sure how common it is to do this, but I never grew up knowing anyone who did this.  But, in our neck of the woods, it is a fairly common thing to have done, and I have known about it going on in our region for about the last 25 years or so.  Well, on my run perhaps two weeks ago or so, I ran by side-by-side homes that I see regularly.... but in this instance, BOTH had been washed by a company that then put a sign out in each home's yard advertising their work.  I thought each home looked remarkably bright, clean and damn-near "brand new".  I wrote down the number and contacted the fellow.  It happens that he was a solo owner/worker for his company and he gave a quote for our home that seemed quite reasonable.  He did this washing last Saturday, and the results were quite remarkable!  He washed the roof, the exterior of the gutters and the brick and siding.  It DOES look quite nice!  My wife was surprised and happy about it too.  We may likely plan this for a yearly event.  

Ran my usual 10 miles this morning.


Monday, August 05, 2024

Comments on Comments August 5th

As always, I want you to know that I GREATLY appreciate comments.  I hope folks will comment and comment more often.  I learn a lot from your comments.... and it seemed to go well the last time when I replied to comments in this format (it seems like folks read this more than going back to earlier comments to see replies.  So, I am planning to have this be a regular (probably Monday) occurrence, where I reply to comments from the last week:

AC said...

 "I was wondering if you’d have lunch. Although we haven been there for a long time, i remember the food being decent and inexpensive."

Yes, IKEA lunch is always a part of the experience I especially like.  It is a rather simple cafeteria.... but it is very clean, very bright and open.... and it has food options that I find INTERESTING and DIFFERENT from most other cafeteria-like places.  Another enjoyable item I had last week that I failed to mention was Lingonberry Soda. I very much like lingonberries and have purchased their lingonberry jam in the past.  

"Well, that is a pretty fulsome description. I would never write like that, due to both interest and ability, I appreciated the post. However, from now on, I shall call you Norm."

Yes, unfortunately, when I get a bit "wound up" at times, I can be too damn verbose here.  


Margaret said.....

"I used to like Bridge mix but picked out the nuts because much of the other stuff I didn't like. I've never heard of the bunny basket eggs but they look like jelly bellies."

I really enjoyed EVERYTHING in Brach's Bridge Mix.  And, perhaps oddly, I especially liked the ones with the cherry jelly inside and the ones with the vanilla cream inside.  I happened to find a facsimile bridge mix at a dollar store this past weekend which was better than the other variants I have found of late. It is not Brachs.... not by a long shot.... but it is better than what I have been finding.  

"I hope you got to attend the Cigar Group! I've only been to IKEA a couple of times and found it an overwhelming experience. Since one of those times was in Brooklyn, NY to buy apartment furniture for my daughter, that's understandable."

It can be overwhelming.  When my wife and I go together (without any of the kids) it is more enjoyable because we can set the pace and the route(s) of the experience.  Anytime we have gone with one or more of the kids, it is far more exhausting as it seems we end up inevitably at an accelerated pace and in patterns that are more focused on what THEY are interested in.

"I approve of your reframing and I work on that every day. I decided long ago to try to enjoy my life and find joy/the good and I mostly do."

Yes, when I can muster up the energy it takes to REFRAME it is very helpful.  It can be exhausting though to fight against the initial emotions.  But, I have to think that if I keep at it.... and keep persevering at it.... perhaps I can change my mindset to have eventually the REFRAME become the primary thought initially.  

"So much to deal with/manage! Are some members of the committee not very computer savvy? That would be infuriating."

The person who is always the monkey wrench in the gearbox is the "veterinarian".  This person (who no longer practices (NOT because of age (that is a hint)) is such an odd duck that this person makes professors seem "incredibly savvy, smooth, and quirk-free" by comparison.  This "vet" is so obstinately fixated on things that are immaterial to what the committee is about (the committee is tasked with approving research design)....... and this person spends weeks and months pouring over unimportant minutia of extra spaces between words, misplaced periods (like for instance "et. al." versus "et al.") and the like.  And, the person is so damnably slow and obnoxious.  I do think this person is NOT the strongest computer user either, but the majority of the problem is that this person has no clue what the role is.

Pam J said....

"I still drive a manual transmission and hope I never have to give it up. Ditto for my husband and son. If possible I'd like to have a car with roll-down windows but they're very, very hard to find as I learned when I bought my car in 2010."

I happily still have a manual transmission and have only had my vehicles be manual transmissions (except for one year where I was sold a decrepit beast with an automatic at a price too good to pass up) since I was 18 years old.  Depending on what my wife and I decide at retirement, my manual days may then possibly end if we decide to share one vehicle.   I too never trusted the electronic gizmos (like power windows and power door locks).  

"I also think you're showing all the signs of a person ready for retirement. Maybe it's not feasible right now, but I think you're mentally ready."

In many ways I AM ready.  I do know I am much less tolerant of work-related b*llsh*t than I was in the past.  I do wonder and worry though that I am not prepared to deal with what I fear may be a loss of "identity" as a professor and a researcher.  If I do NOT have a job to go to or do.... will I lose my identity?  I sometimes imagine possible ways to reimagine my self-identity in retirement, but it is a bit of a struggle.  The stereotypical old-guy, retiree "golfer" type who does nine holes every morning and putters around the rest of the day does not really seem a good fit.  I am not sure where I fit in retirement.  It does sometimes give me pause.  

I saw this recently and thought of you. It's from a book called Tao & Zen:

What is my purpose in life? I asked the void.

What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life? said the voice.

Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when you saved that dog in traffic? Or when you tied your father’s shoes for him?"

I like the above a lot.  

"Your problem is that you equate your purpose with goal-based achievement. The Universe isn’t interested in your achievements…just your heart. When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose. No need to look any further."

A lot of the above makes sense.  Yet, I am not THINKING I have a life of "goal-based achievement" but perhaps I am looking at that incorrectly.  I believe I DO try to live with a clean and kind heart, and I believe that I DO strive to live a life of kindness, compassion and love. However, perhaps I am not doing so in the ways you are meaning.

A part of me (perhaps incorrectly) equates accomplishing something visible or tangible as a way to show kindness, compassion and love.  Is it necessary to accomplish in order to show kindness, compassion and love?  I am not sure if I know.  It is rather difficult for me to discern.  For, if I do not work hard and do not strive to DO..... am I able to show kindness, compassion, or love?   

I am serious about this.... IS there a way to show kindness, compassion, or love WITHOUT doing something?  I do not really know how to think about that statement. I suspect there MUST be..... but I am having difficulty thinking of how.   Am I missing a fundamental concept here?  In some ways the ideas of the "Love Languages" comes into play ("Love Languages" was a concept about how we give and want love.... and was somewhat popular several years ago.... and my wife and read the book and it helped us in better communicating our love to each other).  For me, "doing" is the way I show love and the way I feel love.  And, I guess for most all of my life, that meant when I wanted to show I cared, I would work doggedly at whatever was needed to show that.  

Pat said....

" I hope, Professor, that you can apply this practice of comparison to your pipe-smoking as well, and recognize that your life was enriched by your pipes and tobaccos, and that it can be that way again if you choose."

I agree fully that my life was enriched by my pipes and pipe tobaccos!  In many ways, life visually seemed more vivid, more like beautiful, Kodachrome film images! Life in sound seemed more melodic,more substantial.  Emotionally it could quell and quiet sadness and amplify joys.  

INITIALLY: Pipe-smoking brings health risks and social ostracism.

ALTERNATIVE: You can enjoy your pipes socially (as with the retired cigar smokers), and you can take great care of your health such that...  ...pipe-smoking can be a net benefit as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

"From your mouth to God's ear." is what I say to the "alternative" statement.  I am modestly hopeful that I may be very able to do that sometime in the future.  Right now, I am still mainly working on trying to assure that I "fit in" the "Retiree's Cigar Group".  It is not as easy for me for me to "fit in"  (whereas it may be for many).  I am unfortunately, NOT adept at small talk in group settings, although I am a damn good listener.  For the time being, when I get to go to the group, I will indulge in a cigar.  

I can say that the cigar I have had on both occasions is pleasant, generally.  BUT, it also IS NOT  a pipe nor is it pipe tobacco.... both of which are exponentially MORE.  For those who do not enjoy tobacco, it likely seems preposterous to think there would be as significant a difference as I am suggesting.... but I can attest to it being so.  

Again, though, the cigar was a friendly option for me to get my feet in the door, so-to-speak.  And, it will help me "fit in" as I try to forge friendships.  Being a lone pipe smoker at this stage would have me stick out like a sore thumb, which would NOT help me to better "fit in".  

But, IF THINGS GO WELL, what I am thinking is that...  sometime later in the Fall.... perhaps around Thanksgiving or a bit after.... presuming I do finally "fit in" comfortably, I can perhaps have a pipe instead of a cigar then.  I have found and perused their very, very limited pipe tobacco selection and similarly limited pipe selection.  There is one pipe tobacco that I could buy an ounce of on that auspicious (hoped for) day in the future.... they have Lane's 1Q.   

Thus far, I have looked every time since I have found the pipes and pipe tobaccos at the shop.... and none of the jars has decreased even a fraction of an inch in the amount of leaf, nor has a single pipe moved.  I suspect they have all been there a VERY long time, untouched.  They are in a distant corner, whereas the rest of the shop is all about the cabinets and cabinets and humidors and humidors filled to the brim with cigars.  


Friday, August 02, 2024



I apparently live in the land of "defunct".  I guess reality has set in.  In my preferences and joys, there are a helluva lot of things that I really LIKE that are either a) not popular anymore, b) considered rather extremely "old-fashioned", or c) actually defunct.  If I think about it too long, it can be discouraging. So, to get them out of my mind, I am going to list a few of these things:

1.  Pipes & Pipe Tobaccos - of course.  

2.  Cigars too.  I did get to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" yesterday, and it was wonderful.  But, I do know it is pretty much an anachronism in today's world.  

3.  My wind instruments (clarinet, bass clarinet, saxes, etc) - Most music is synthesized these days, truth-be-told.  Few appreciate real playing of musical instruments for the most part.  Do not get me wrong, synthesizers require skill (piano skill) and are valid, but modern synthesizers have replaced and supplanted most other instruments in a "one-size fits all" sort of single instrument.

4.  My preference for manual transmissions - I saw online a sticker that was for manual transmission cars.  It read, "Anti-Millennial Device Installed" and had a picture of a manual gear shift knob pattern as well.  It is indeed true.  I suspect very, very, very few folks under 40 know how to drive a manual transmission in the US anymore.  And, apparently a bit more than 99% of vehicles now sold in the US are automatic.  

5.  Jazz Music

6.  Bossa Nova Music

And, here are two of my more recent discoveries (and one older one) of defunct items I had greatly enjoyed....

7.  Brach's Bridge Mix - a wonderful cornucopia of mixed candies covered in either milk or dark chocolate.  I loved eating these for decades.  It was always a joy discovering what was in the center, be it a peanut, or a raisin, or a vanilla cream, or a cherry jelly, or a caramel, or a malt ball, or a Brazil nut.  I last had this candy probably 4 years ago.  Kept searching every year.  Finally read that it is defunct now.  Over the last four years, I occasionally find some "off brand" that produces something they call "Bridge Mix" but every instance thus far has been quite inferior..... usually the chocolare is weak flavored and waxy, and the range and quality of the items in the centers are miniscule and poor..... very poor attempts to replicate a classic.

8.  Brach's "Duck Eggs" - Duck Eggs are what they were ORIGINALLY called for a helluva lot of years, but in the last 5 years of their existence, they were renamed "Bunny Basket Eggs".  If you have ever had a "Circus Peanut", it is a marshmallow-like confection with a bit of banana flavoring in it.  Well, in a Brach's Duck Egg, that marshmallow "circus peanut" is made a tad sweeter and more granular, and then covered with a candy coating of a fruit flavor (like the coating on a jelly bean).  These Duck Eggs were a favorite of mine for decades.  I had one perhaps 3 years ago.  I searched for them the last few years, and eventually read that they too were now defunct.  

9.  Life Savers in LIME - I do not know how long now this has been (perhaps ~10 years?), but I do still miss the real (original) green Life Saver.... which was LIME in flavor.  It was always my favorite flavor (followed by pineapple).  They changed the green Life Saver to (gag) watermelon around 10 years ago.  My consumption of Life Savers declined by at least 95% since.

There are others, but the above gives the gist of my thoughts and lets me retire them a bit from my mind. 


Thursday, August 01, 2024

This & That

Yesterday, after running at 5:00am and doing some work at home on the computer for the U, my wife and I and a couple of our kids climbed into my wife's vehicle and took an hour and a half drive to spend a good part of the day at the closest IKEA to our home.  

IKEA is an interesting store, and it is really a bit of an adventure.  My wife and I have been trying to go there once each year (typically Summer) because it has so many interesting items and also because one floor of the store has various mock rooms of homes displaying their wares, it is also a bit inspirational for us as well, as we imagine possibilities for our future retirement.  We are still thinking about the potential, if we can afford it, for moving out of the snow belt and into somewhere warm year round.  Our most common "dream" idea is to find a two bedroom condominium hopefully an upper story (at least third floor but not the top floor) with a balcony.  Whether it comes to pass is anyone's guess, but it is what she and I often talk about and consider.  If it could be in a pleasant city-ish area with walk-able places (restaurants, move house, library, etc) that would be my ideal.  

At IKEA, the rooms on the second floor are a delight to see how they can have rooms with modest space serve many purposes well, and with a bit of panache.  But, the first floor is where we tend to spend a greater amount of time looking at various do-dads that are fun, helpful, and ascetically pleasing in most every case.  The image on this post is of one of the lamps that both I and my wife found quite attractive.  We are considering it (we did not get it yesterday, as we were not 100% sure, but we can order it on-line if we take the plunge).  I like its rather mid-century modern look.   If we get it, we would like it to be in our living room (which for all intents and purposes is a living room but ALSO really a music room (we have my mother's piano there, and my wife and I have our acoustic guitars out on stands, and I have stands with my clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone out as well).  What we did buy, though were a few fun odds and ends.... a few very nice wooden spoons for cooking (our prior ones have seen better days), a fun, multi-tool for slicing hard boiled eggs into a variety of shapes, some new spatulas, and a pair of small, glass baking dishes that should be fun for cakes and casseroles (6 inch x 6 inch ; ~15cm x ~15 cm).  We also looked at some potential curtains for replacing the old ones in our family room and our bedroom.  We did not splurge on those yet as we (probably mostly me) had to think about it.  The two kids who came with us bought a variety of things for their own environs as well.

But, one other fun thing about IKEA is their restaurant, where they have rather interesting menu items.  I ended up having a lunch plate with salmon in a red, bell-pepper sauce, vegetables, quinoa, and pickled beets.  My wife was not as hungry, so she had a Ceasar salad.  Both of the kids with us decided to have the "classic" meatballs and mashed potatoes lunch that is perhaps the most well known of the IKEA menu items.  

It was an enjoyable day.  

Today, if I am able to get enough done, I am hoping to possibly journey to the "Retiree's Cigar Group".  I am keeping my fingers crossed I get enough done to warrant me doing so.   
